Hoerspiel - Zagreb Radio Time Machine moves to Berlin

The theatre project Hoerspiel – Zagreb Radio Time Machine will move to Berlin where a new play by the author of this theatre project, Pavlica Bajsić Brazzoduro, will be performed in February next year. Artists from Zagreb and Berlin will join forces and present the radio histories of their respective cities.

Early next year, Hoerspiel, a little play for listeners (and viewers) authored by Pavlica Bajsić Brazzoduro, will move to Berlin where preparations are already underway for a new play which will be a team project by artists from Berlin and Zagreb. It will be a new version of the theatre project by this author whose play highlights radio as an art medium. It is performed in Zagreb at Lotršćak Tower which is close to the location from which Radio Zagreb started broadcasting in 1926 as one of the earliest radio stations in Europe. The play focuses on "small people from a radio box" who are taken out of the box and put under the spotlights to divulge hidden radio mechanisms to their audiences and establish a link between Zagreb as it once was and the artistic side of this medium which was quite a novelty at the time. On a journey through the early history of the radio, a well functioning troupe of ten performers juggles while producing live sound effects, as well as music and silence, thus leaving the viewers (and listeners) freedom to enjoy their own experience.

Last year, Hoerspiel was presented at the Bauhaus University in Weimar prompting the Senate of Berlin to realize this project and thus establish a link between the radio histories of Berlin and Zagreb, relying on texts by Heinrich Boell, Bertold Brecht, Alfred Braun and Zvonimir Bajsić. The world premiere of the play Aether ueber Berlin, i.e. Air above Berlin, by Pavlica Bajsić Brazzoduro, will take place in February next year at the Ballhaus Ost Theatre. Preparations for this team effort by artists from Berlin and Zagreb will be supervised by the famous Berlin actress and puppeteer Suse Waechter.

As for the Zagreb theatre goers, they will have the opportunity to see the next performance of Hoerspiel already on September 10th at the Museum of Broken Relationships, and then again in December, as part of the Advent in Zagreb festival.

Published: 04.08.2015