Introducing flights between Zagreb and Belgrade
After 23 years, on December 12th, an air connection between Zagreb and Belgrade will be re-established with two daily commercial flights operated by Air Serbia.
As of December 12th, Air Serbia will operate two daily commercial flights between Zagreb and Belgrade. The flights are scheduled to depart Belgrade at 7.35 a.m. and 6.20 p.m., while flights from Zagreb are scheduled at 10.05 a.m. and 8.40 p.m. every day.
Flights between Zagreb and Belgrade are being reintroduced after 23 years, and the cheapest return ticket will cost 110 Euros. The first commercial flight between Zagreb and Belgrade was undertaken by Aeroput in February 1928. In April 1947, JAT started commercial flights on that route, which continued until August 1991.
Considering the increase in demand, the newly reintroduced air connection between the two capital cities will definitely shorten the commute for business people, and simplify journeys for tourists travelling between the two countries.
Published: 19.12.2014 - 23.02.2015