Painting Zagreb’s most famous wall

The first project by Zagreb’s Museum of Street Art, repainting Zagreb’s most famous wall on Branimirova Street, has been successfully completed by 64 young artists from the entire country.

Zagreb’s most famous painted wall, located by the Central train terminal on Branimirova Street, got a new look in mid-May thanks to the initiative by the non-profit association Central Unit, which also founded the original Museum of Street Art. This is a project without a permanent address or team, but there is great will involved to unify Zagreb’s street art scene into a strong institution that will provide young designers, graffiti artists, academic painters, and all other street art aficionados with an opportunity to participate in decorating the city’s facades.
Their first project, repainting the wall on Branimirova Street, was realized in an extremely short period of time. Tenders for the best work were invited, upon which the expert judges selected 64 artists to paint the wall, which they then completed in mere five days. For all of those not familiar with this tradition in Zagreb, the mural was first painted in 1987 during Zagreb’s hosting of the Univerzijada youth games. The last time it was worked on was 11 years ago so the new look given to it by the participants of this unique project is sure to attract the attention of passers-by.
After the success of this project, the heads of the Museum of Street Art have already announced actions to paint other facades across the city. Apart from that, on June 5th, they will be colouring the sidewalks on Varšavska Street with chalk pastels as part of the large street festival “Cest is d'Best”.

Published: 02.06.2010