Record Growth Rates in Tourism Turnover

Once again, Zagreb posted record growth rates in 2007. Judging by the tourist arrival announcements, the upward trend is likely to continue this year.

Last year, the 606,480 guests who visited Zagreb accounted for 1.1 million overnights. With a 13 per cent increase in the number of tourist arrivals and a 10 per cent increase in the number of overnights, Zagreb ended last year with the highest growth rates in Croatian tourism. 

Positive tourist turnover trends continue in all markets and during all seasons. In certain periods in some of the markets, growth rates have reached 30 per cent. It is worth mentioning that positive trends have been recorded both in the traditional markets as well as in the markets where interest in visiting Zagreb is a fairly new development. According to the number of registered foreign tourist arrivals in 2007, German tourists have maintained their usual leading position. As in 2006, tourists from the United States of America again came in second place, but their numbers showed a 15 per cent increase on the previous year. In third position were tourists from Italy, followed by guests from France, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Great Britain. Guests from Spain were close behind, followed by the Japanese. Owing to the direct flights between Japan and Zagreb, the number of Japanese tourists and their overnights rose by 18 and 28 per cent respectively. Last year’s statistics show that the number of Russians almost doubled in comparison with the year before. Exceptionally high growth rates were recorded by the countries surrounding Croatia – Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro, etc.

The 165,627 domestic tourists accounted for a 13 per cent increase in the number of arrivals and a 5 per cent growth in the number of overnights. Judging by the announcements, positive trends are expected to continue this year, particularly as a result of the new programs which the Zagreb Tourist Board and many tourist agencies have put together for 2008.
Published: 02.02.2008