Robert Wilson's Video Portraits

Video portraits of assorted American movie stars and artists, such as Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Ditta Von Teese and many other famous attention grabbers, will certainly motivate many to come to the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery where a multimedia exhibition by Robert Wilson will take place between 8th October and 11th November under the title – HD Video Portraits.

If you think you know practically everything about celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Johnny Deep, Salma Hayek…you have another think coming. When you see their video portraits displayed in one room, in a clever theatrical setting, their stories will become truly intriguing. This is precisely what visitors can expect to experience at the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery between 8th October and 11th November during a major multimedia exhibition by famous American artist Robert Wilson.

The exhibit comprises video essays depicting 11 famous people and two animals whose symbolism is of major importance to the artist (the black panther and the owl). Together they are a meaningful whole, not only as a video presentation but as an integral multimedia work. Each of the portraits on view occupies a pre-assigned space, enhanced by a musical score selected by the author and a narration adapted to each of the portrayed individuals. These are not just contemporary versions of classical portraiture, but the original work of the author who has approached his subjects in a theatrical manner.

Robert Wilson is highly respected on the American and international artistic scene. Besides being considered a pioneer of the visual postmodernist theatre, over the course of his wide-ranging career he has worked as a choreographer, performer, painter, sound and lighting designer and sculptor. His works include video installations, video art production, theatre performances, ballet, opera... There is practically no genre or art form which he has not tried or which he has not put his stamp on. Many of his works are part of the most prestigious world collections and are kept in museums.

The exhibition in Zagreb will be Robert Wilson at his best. Although many will primarily come to see the portraits of the famous people, the author's approach to his subjects will yield immense rewards. Robert Wilson is an artist who fully immerses himself in his creation, which is why he will personally open the exhibition in Zagreb on 8th October and hold a lecture about his life project – Watermill Centre. This project is the biggest global community of artists whose works are not funded by states or through donations. Rather, the artists themselves attract sponsors and corporate funding with their own work.
The Croatian premiere of the documentary “Absolute Wilson” by film maker Katharina Otto-Bernstein will be screened during the exhibition at Klovićevi Dvori Gallery to provide additional insight into the artist's impressive work.

Robert Wilson's exhibition of HD Video Portraits has toured all over the world and was shown in Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Singapore, Hong Kong, Graz, Rome, Milan, Naples, New York, London, Hamburg, Salzburg... It is Zagreb's turn to enjoy it.

Published: 03.09.2012