The exhibition

For the sixth consecutive year, Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art and T-Croatian Telecom present the exhibition titled which displays the best works of contemporary visual arts produced by Croatian artists. This year’s exhibition will remain open between 22 February and 24 March. Entrance is free.

If you wish to see the best contemporary works of visual arts by renowned Croatian artists, make sure not to miss the exhibition, which will be taking place at the Museum of Contemporary Art until 24 March. The exhibition has been organized for the sixth consecutive year by the Museum of Contemporary Art and T-Croatian Telecom, and it features 38 of the best works which compete for one of the four awards for recent contemporary visual art.

The exhibition was opened on 22 February and entrance is free.

Some 200 works by known and lesser known Croatian artists have been submitted this year, but a specialized international committee selected only the aforementioned 38 pieces for the exhibition.

Since the exhibition features contemporary art, most of the selected works are multimedia installations, videos, photographs and such, while on 6 March the renowned Croatian contemporary artist and professor at Zagreb’s Academy of Fine Arts, Ivan Ladislav Galeta, will put up his performance, the only such form of artistic expression featured in the exhibition. The performance is titled Dutch Auction, and it is specific for being reverse; bidding smaller sums rather than larger. This performance is just part of the attractions featured in this year’s exhibition. There will also be works presented outside the exhibition space, on the large media façade, on a display above the museum entrance, in the lobby and on the plateaus in front as well as behind the museum building.

Since the beginning of cooperation between the Museum of Contemporary Art and the T-Croatian Telecom, the local public as well as numerous foreign visitors have had the opportunity to see truly the best of current contemporary art in Croatia. Since the main theme has not been set, the expert committee bases its decisions strictly on the excellence of individual works.

Published: 01.03.2013