The Homeland War in the Croatian History Museum

20 years after the beginning of the Homeland War, the memories of those who experienced it are still vivid. However, younger populations and numerous foreigners staying in Croatia who are not familiar with the historical facts about the war will have an opportunity to change that until September this year if they visit the exhibition The Homeland War at the Croatian Historical Museum.

Although war topics are always morbid, war-related facts and the testimonies of those who survived it are certainly an intriguing part of a picturesque historical tale which will attract many visitors to the Croatian Historical Museum in Zagreb until September. A major exhibition, The Homeland War, which was opened at the end of last year, vividly conveys the story of the events which took place in recent Croatian history. The exhibition covers the period from 1991 to 1995, but it also provides insight into the events which preceded the open Serbian aggression, spanning the period from summer 1990 to the peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danubian region in 1998, when that area was reincorporated into the constitutional and legal order of the Independent State of Croatia.

Many of the exhibits on display were hitherto kept in the museum’s archives, which means that for many citizens of Zagreb this will be the first opportunity to actually see them, although, truth be told, they know quite a lot about them already. To those without first-hand war experience, the exhibition will provide a clear picture, not only of the war-related events, but also of all the other spheres of life and politics (military, diplomacy, media and humanitarian aspects) which set the stage for the outbreak of the war and thus became an integral part of the creation of Croatian sovereignty.

The exhibition is divided into two main parts. The first part depicts the relationship between all the above described aspects and the situation that relationship produced.

The second one is more vivid and considerably more personal. It features objects collected not only from the museum’s archives but also from the homes of Croatian veterans. In this part of the exhibition, visitors will be able to see numerous documents and symbols of the time: maps, insignia, military uniforms, documentaries and photos, as well as personal testimonials.

Most of the archival records are documented with numerous photos taken during the war, testimonials, newspaper clips and military documents. The part that provides an introduction to the exhibition is bound to stir reactions among Croatians 20 years after the outbreak of the war. It features a selection of newspaper clippings, personal testimonials and a multimedia presentation which provides a simple introduction to the very complex theme. The central part of the exhibition is a clear chronological outline of the Homeland War, whereas the last part of the exhibition is homage of sorts to all those who fought in the war and particularly those who gave their lives for their country.

Published: 02.01.2012