The Sixth Short Movie Marathon

The 6th Short Movie Marathon is to take place between 13 and 16 December as part of the Fourth Culture Fair at the Students’ Center. All in possession of a digital camera or a PC with editing capabilities are invited to participate.

The 6th Marathon will kick off on day one with a shot fired from the starter gun and the participants running from the start position to the first film set. 

During this extremely action-packed three-day event, a range of short movies, lasting no more than seven minutes, will be shot with digital cameras and edited on the spot. As in the previous five marathons, the participants will be given an opportunity to make short movies covering a variety of topics and to exchange their experiences in the process.
The main objective of the marathon is to make as many movies as possible in the shortest possible time. The teams will use digital cameras regardless of their technical capabilities and then edit their movies either on the Students’ Center Production premises or at their own homes. 

“This is a cooperation project. This is not a workshop which will engage professionals to show amateurs how things are done, but rather a workshop at which the participants will help each other by tapping into each other’s knowledge and creativity. 

The principal task of the marathon’s participants is to involve as many people as possible in the film making process out of those who attend the Marathon venue. The participants should include one another in their frames and thus participate in the movie creation process. At the end of the exercise, the participants will end the race by running into the projection hall with the finished materials in hand, which will be followed by a gala movie projection and an award ceremony. 

The main idea behind the project is to promote creativity using technology that is readily accessible to all of us but does not get used because we are aware that there are a hundred times better and a hundred times more expensive versions of that same technology out there.”

This is how the founders of this marathon try to explain their dogma based on the fact that there is probably not a single person in this world who has not wondered at least once in their lives how it must feel to be a filmmaker. The main point of the marathon is to give each of us an opportunity to make a movie and to take no notice of the fact that our creations will never make it to the big screen. Still, nobody out there can say that these small movies, made from one individual’s perspective, do not constitute an art form of sorts.
Published: 01.12.2007