Tourist Turnover Still on the Rise

During the first three months of this year, the number of overnights recorded in Zagreb was 12 per cent up on the same period last year. Domestic guests account for the particularly steep upward trend in the number of overnights.

After the high tourism growth rates which were recorded in Zagreb last year, the trend has continued this year and has resulted in 12 per cent more overnights in the first three month of this year than in the same period last year. Foreigners accounted for an 11 per cent rise and domestic tourists for an impressive 13 per cent rise in the number of overnights. The upward trend in the number of domestic guest arrivals has been one of the recent characteristics of overall Croatian tourism.

According to the official country-segregated data, during the first quarter of this year, German guests were again in the lead with an 8 per cent growth rate. They were followed by Italians and guests from the United States of America. Guests from Bosnia and Herzegovina came in fourth position and were closely followed by Serbs, Austrians and others. These are the markets which normally account for the high number of visitors in Zagreb, but high growth rates have also been recorded in the overnights of guests from other markets, including the most distant markets. This primarily refers to the markets of Japan, the somewhat closer market of Russia and the Scandinavian countries, which are now even closer to Croatia as a result of recently introduced direct flights between Stockholm and Zagreb.

Published: 01.05.2008