Welcoming guests of Islamic faith

Prestigious hotels in Zagreb carry Halal certificates, welcoming their guests of Islamic faith, as well as other guests who choose to eat food prepared under such guidelines.

Zagreb’s Aristos, Esplanade, Sheraton and Westin hotels, as well as Les Ponts restaurant and Zvona catering, all carry a Halal certificate. The certificate guarantees that the hotels’ accommodation facilities and the gastronomic offer are in accordance with strict Halal standards. This concerns not only the choice and method of preparing the food, but also accommodation that is in accordance with Islamic religious standards. The hotel staff was specially trained to implement Halal standards and constantly monitor the implementation of the standard.

In 2010, the Islamic Community founded the Zagreb Centre for Certifying Halal Quality, whose main goal is to certify food and cosmetics, as well as services, such as the organization of praying areas, mats, ritual bathing areas, separated wellness facilities, etc. Thanks to the interest of hoteliers and caterers, the increasing numbers of certified Croatian food manufacturers, and the dedicated work of the Centre for Certifying Halal Quality, Croatia is the regional leader in the offer of Halal food, which makes it an attractive destination for tourists of Islamic faith.

Published: 02.05.2014