Zagreb Greets Austria

Marking The Year of Culture 2017 Austria – Croatia, Zagreb Tourist Board, in cooperation with the City of Zagreb and the Status group, organizes the event Zagreb greets Austria, which will be held from June 8th till June 11th.

Every day from 10am till 11pm in the Zrinjevac park, the citizens of Zagreb and their guests will be able to enjoy many surprises correlated with traditional cultural relations between Zagreb and Austria. The rich program includes the waltz school, the school of fencing, the school of the Agramer dialect and the school of old and forgotten children’s games. Evenings are reserved for special attractions when the musicians and actors will be entertaining the participants The Evenings of Poetry will be held at Thursday, Friday is reserved for the Evenings of Music and at Saturday everybody will be dancing the Waltz. At Sunday, the program finishes with the evening movie projection. Visitors will also have the opportunity to try different kind of food specialties and refresh themselves with various beverages, as well as take a break beneath the “Alps” - one more of the event attractions.

Austria is one of the main Zagreb’s tourist markets and in 2016 we recorded 19% increase in tourist arrivals and overnights from this country. Events held during the 2017 which mark The Year of Culture Croatia – Austria, represent very valuable accomplishments for the Croatian and Austrian audience and with the event Zagreb greets Austria, Zagreb Tourist Board is symbolically participating in this bilateral project.

Published: 01.06.2017