Ancient Motifs in Croatian Moderna

Until December 8th, the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery will be the venue for the exhibition “Allegory and Arcadia - Ancient Motifs in Croatian Moderna”, which will feature the never before exhibited and practically unknown works by great artists of Croatian Moderna.

Until December 8th, the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery will be the venue for the exhibition “Allegory and Arcadia - Ancient Motifs in Croatian Moderna”. The exhibition features pieces by great Croatian painters and sculptors whose work was inspired by ancient motifs, some of which were never exhibited before and are largely unknown to the
general public.

The special attraction of the exhibition is Bela Čikoš Sesija’s painting “Kirka”, which is one of the most important paintings of Croatian modern art. It was bought by the Hungarian government for its National Gallery during the Millennium Exhibition of 1896 in Budapest, and it has not been exhibited in Croatia until now.

Visitors of the exhibition will also have a unique opportunity to see the nude “Andromeda” by Vlaho Bukovac, borrowed from the National Gallery of Ljubljana, as well as works by many other great Croatian painters which have been gathered from various museums and galleries, including “Bakanala” by Mate Celestin Medović. Every unknown piece bearing the signature of one of these great painters always attracts great attention, so there is no doubt that this exhibition will attract many art aficionados from Croatia as well as abroad.

Apart from masterpieces by Vlado Bukovac, Mate Celestin Medović, Bela Čikoš Sesija, Ivan Tišov and Robert Auer, visitors of the exhibition will have the opportunity to view sculptures by Croatian sculptors Robert Frangeš Mihanović, Rudolf Valdec, Ivo Kerdić and Ivan Meštrović.

Published: 02.10.2013