Dance Along at Zrinjevac Park

In August, the Promenade Concerts, which have become a Saturday tradition at Zagreb's most beautiful park – Zrinjevac, will feature musicians performing jazz and the greatest rock hits.

If you enjoy the sounds of jazz, rock or the rhythm of swing, and feel like giving it a whirl on the dance podium to the sounds of old hits, we are inviting you to the Promenade Concerts at Zrinjevac Park. This month's concerts will feature a very attractive program, every Saturday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., at the music pavilion that was built in 1891. Apart from the legendary Vanja Lisak Trio, among the performers scheduled to appear this month is Zdenka Kovačićek, a Croatian musician with an exquisite voice, who will perform a repertoire of unforgettable jazz music. On 11 July, the Sick Swing Orchestra will take you back to the 1940's with their swing, jazz, and slow-rock tunes. A band of academic musicians, called Jewsters, will perform a program of traditional Jewish music on July 18th. Walter Neugebauer and the Cadillac Band will play the greatest rock hits on July 25th, while on August 1st you will be able to dance along to the sounds of evergreens, performed by the Sweet Swing Orchestra and Božidar Matti. The preferable dress code for the Promenade Concerts includes clothes from the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, because the person that wears the most imaginative costume could win a weekend trip for two. There will also be an award for the best dance couple at the end of the concert season.

Published: 07.07.2009