Everything we did (not) know about Earth!

The eighth edition of the significant Science Festival will take place between the 19th and 24th of April in Zagreb, as well as other Croatian cities. Featuring an even more diverse program than last year, over the course of six days, and in some twenty locations across town, visitors will have an opportunity to discover everything they do not yet know about our planet. All the topics will be presented in a way that is both interesting and understandable to everyone.

Between the 19th and 24th of April, Zagreb will once again be marked by science. The thematically-diverse Festival of Science will take place in over twenty locations across the city and this year’s topic is: Earth.
The Science Festival will once again, for the eighth year in a row, take place all across Croatia. Apart from Zagreb, science will also be presented in Osijek, Split, Rijeka, Starigrad and Zadar; each city has its own program and scientific fortes.
The main goal of the Festival is to popularize science and new scientific discoveries, motivate younger generations, and familiarize the public with research methods and science in general.
As in previous years, numerous themes will be covered at the Festival in a popular, interesting and easily-understandable way.
The program will last for six days, from morning until night, and it will unify an array of exhibitions, presentations, workshops, and lectures.
Among the numerous exhibitions, visitors will be able to enjoy works by the photographers of “Wildlife” magazine, the Natural History Museum, and the “BBC Wildlife Magazine”, as well as view an interesting history of astronomic discoveries entitled  “And yet it moves”, or examine speleological research equipment.
In addition, Festival goers will have an opportunity to learn about meteorological observations, how the earth breathes, the abilities of biological factories to produce bio fuel out of bacteria, and agricultural methods of the future; as well as familiarize themselves with GPS and mobile location devices.
Life in the Magnetic Field; Geological Evolution of Croatia; Plastic – A Great Design for Recycling; Emergency Services on Everest; Anomalies of Radon and Earthquake Prediction; How the Magnetic Field Discovers the Secrets of a Human Brain; Strawberries Around the World; Dangers from Space that Threaten Earth… these are just some of the themes of the lectures that will be organized during those six days of science.
The numerous interactive and dynamic workshops will most probably attract the greatest attention; among which the following are particularly notable: Earth for a Healthy and Beautiful Skin, How is Zagreb Shaking at the Moment?, Creating a Tsunami, Creating a “Desert Devil” – How to Create a Tornado, Cooking the Wind, Entertaining and Educational Experiments in Chemistry, Creating Plaster Fossils, Our Great Dinosaur, and Chocolate Discovers the Secrets of Earth.

Published: 01.04.2010