Film projections on the museum’s media facade

Between May 29th and June 9th, the media façade of the Museum of Contemporary Art will feature animated films whose projections are organized as part of the Animation Goes MSU project by the museum and Animafest.

Between May 29th and June 9th, fans of animation and accidental passers-by will have the opportunity to watch projections of animated films on the media façade of the Museum of Contemporary Art. This is a unique media project in Croatia, organized under the name Animation Goes MSU by the museum and Animafest – the World Festival of Animated Film, which has been taking place in Zagreb since 1972.

The organizers of this unusual event are very pleased with the authors’ response to the call for entries; 52 works from 16 countries were submitted for the first Animafest, and 16 were chosen for daily screening during the festival, between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. Among the selected works there are several films by Croatian authors, such as “Bla” by Marina Meštrović, the winner of the Surogat Award at the recently closed Days of Croatian Film; “Aquarium” by Boris Hergešić, consisting of computer generated imagery; and the film “Shadow Play” by the artistic group M_1300, in which the authors Marita Stanić and Maja Blažek use mirror projections and collages of images from popular culture; Dalibor Barić, an extremely prolific young artist, will use MSU’s facade to show an interesting animated typography play in his work John Durak Was Here. Typography was also the inspiration of Ana Vuzdrić in her work “Sanjala sam” (I dreamt). The narrative films “Choban”, by Matija Pisačić, “Donijela Sam Kolača” (I’ve brought cakes) by Ivana Pipal and “We Have No Tickets”, by Chinese author Bao Jian have also been selected for screening. Audiences will also have the opportunity to view abstract works such as Unfettered, by Canadian author Sandra Eber, Kihi – kuhi by Finnish author Maria Björklund, and Ostali Tragovi (Other Traces) by Swiss-Croatian artist Michele Müller. It will also be interesting to see works by the artists who utilized the three-part division of the media facade and created site-specific animation, such as Intra Muros by American author Rosa Band, the film Triptych 1 by British author Katarina Athanasopoulou, as well as the work by Croatian author Tomislav Mikulić - Jučer, Danas, Sutra (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow). The first Animation Goes MSU will also feature the film In Transition by American author Igor Molochevski, as well as The Capitol of the Multiverse, by another American author -Van McElwee.

Published: 02.05.2013