French acrobats at Lisinski

The famous French acrobat troupe, Compagnie XY, has been entertaining audiences around the world since 2009 with their popular show, “Le Grand C”. On June 8th they will perform at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall.

On June 8th, the large stage at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall will be the venue for a performance by the largest French acrobat troupe, Compagnie XY, whose show “Le Grand C” has been enthralling global audiences and the most discerning critics alike.

What makes this show unique is the universal language of acrobatics that is understood even by the youngest audience members, but also valued by anyone with high artistic expectations. The performance by this famous circus troupe consists of 17 acrobats who defy gravity and leave audiences in awe. They have been entertaining audiences around the world since 2009. The show is aimed at a wide audience, including children older than six.

Tickets for this show can be purchased at the box office of the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, as well as via the website, at a price ranging between 120 and 280 kuna. More information is available online at, while a trailer video can be viewed at

The host of the French acrobat troupe is the Small Performing Stage, which also organizes the Festival of New Circus. The event is backed by the Zagreb Office for Culture, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and the Zagreb Tourist Board.

Published: 03.06.2013