Information portal on Croatia

To mark Croatia’s accession to the European Union, the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography has teamed up with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and launched an information portal on Croatia. Besides information pertaining to various areas of general culture, the portal provides a host of interesting historical facts.

The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography has launched an information portal on Croatia in English, French and Croatian. The information is soon to become available in German as well. The portal, which can be reached at, has been prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia to mark Croatia’s accession to the European Union. Also, the publication ‘Croatia: Land and People’ has been published in several different languages and provides information about the new member state.

In a concise and user-friendly way, the portal provides useful and the country specific geographical and demographical information, a host of historical facts, useful information about the political system, economy, education, culture, society and the way of life in Croatia. Not only does it give its users an opportunity to get acquainted with the new European member state but also shows how it differs from the rest of the Union and at the same time to what extent it contributes to the integrity of European countries. Special attention is paid to the centuries’ old Croatian ties with other European nations and states, since throughout its long past Croatia has been under various influences, which have all left a mark on its national and cultural identity. The portal provides information pertaining to different areas of general culture, so it will benefit not only foreign users who may wish to or who need to find information about the new EU member state, but also Croatians who will be able to find a host of interesting historical facts on these internet pages.

The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography is the central Croatian institution in the field of lexicography and encyclopaedism. It was established in 1950 as a scientific institution and publishing house whose main task is data collection and processing, as well as scientific and research work aimed at publishing encyclopaedia, lexicons, dictionaries, atlases, and so on.

Published: 01.08.2013