More than accommodation, more than culture

The Palace Hotel Zagreb is among those rare hotels that boast a hundred-year-long tradition combined with a very modern offer which encompasses not only the classic type of accommodation but also helps its guests to make the most of the city’s cultural and entertainment programmes. It has other surprises in store for literature lovers.

During the 105 years of its existence, the Palace Hotel Zagreb has won the hearts of many of its guests. Today, possibly more than ever before, it grabs the attention of patrons with its rare and special qualities. Housed in a Viennese secession building, a stone’s throw from the main city square, the hotel offers an extraordinary blend of old and new. Since 2010, when it became a member of the Worldhotels Group, it has put a premium on its cultural heritage and increasingly popular retro chic style. However, the charm of times past combined with the most contemporary hotel business practices is just one part of the whole story.

As a hotel which equally caters to tourists and business clients, it does not rely only on comfortable accommodation as its biggest selling point. The hotel’s mission is to help its guests make the most of their stay in Zagreb. That is why the offer of this old hotel is not based only on conventional packages but also on packages that include culture, i.e. that provide its guests with ample opportunities to spend their leisure time in a way “typical of Zagreb”.

Depending on the motives for the guests’ arrival and their particular wishes, the hotel provides them with daily information on what is happening in Zagreb. They are regularly updated on concerts and festivals, whereas a special package entitled History and Art – Two Nights/Three Museums offers them visits to the museums and galleries which are open during their stay at the hotel.

The hotel is proud of its gastronomy offer, designed by a team of top chefs and pastry chefs headed by one of the best known Croatian master-chefs, Ivica Štruml. They are the ones responsible for the organization of events which are held off the hotel’s premises. The hotel has recently teamed up with some prominent historical institutions, such as the Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Modern Gallery and the Revival Hall to organize unique meetings and events at these breathtaking venues which are oozing with history and charm.

Even that is not all! The Palace Hotel Zagreb has always fostered the culture of reading and many reading aficionados have been known to stay here precisely because of the hotel’s impressive library. In a quiet and comfortable corner, the guests can avail themselves of daily press, weeklies and monographs of various countries, as well as a number of titles by Croatian and foreign authors.

The special literary relationship between the hotel and loyal admirers of the written word does not stop when the book-loving guests leave the hotel as they can continue downloading several hundred e-books in Croatian and English for free from the hotel’s web pages.

Published: 01.03.2012