“Mother Africa” to offer true African wilderness!

On 23rd February next year, Zagreb will be exposed to the exotic rhythms and traditional culture of Africa, brought to the Croatian capital by one of the most innovative circuses in the world, Mother Africa. Its performers will present the colours and rhythms of the “cradle of humanity” through a combination of traditional African folklore and modern circus.

On 23rd February next year, the Croatian capital will be visited for the first time by currently the most innovative circus in the world – Mother Africa. The exotic performances by its troupes are guaranteed to leave the audiences breathless. Their repertoire consists of a combination of traditional African folklore and modern circus acts which present the wilderness and diversity of African culture. It will surely be a memorable event, yet unseen by the Zagreb audience.

The circus, globally famous as “the circus of senses”, will be at the Dražen Petrović Basketball Centre in the heart of the city, and the show will last two hours.

The troupe of Mother Africa consists of 40 acrobats, dancers, singers and musicians, whose roles require all of those skills in most acts. The show is titled Mother Africa and it consists of numerous different acts which are all highlights that are well embedded into the propulsive programme, so the audience will have an opportunity to experience the full spectre of colours and rhythms of the “cradle of humanity”. The circus performers originate from different parts of Africa, but they appear in this joint performance as a united African family.

The famously exotic African culture and its wildly passionate rhythms and dances will undoubtedly raise the pulses in the audience.

The spectacle also features real circus acts with an excellently synchronized music background and costumes inspired by traditional African dancers.

If you wish to experience these true wonders of Africa, make sure to be in Zagreb on 23rd February. Since tickets have already started selling at prices ranging between 180 and 290 kuna, also make sure to get yours on time.
Tickets can be purchased at all Eventim box-offices or online at www.eventim.hr.

Published: 01.11.2012