Place2go – An International Tourism Fair

The World in Croatia – Croatia in the World is the motto of the newest international tourism fair Place2go, which will take place from 30th March to 1st April and present tourist destinations worldwide in a most attractive way.

From 30th March to 1st April, Boćarski Dom in Zagreb will be the venue of the 1st International Tourism Fair Place2go, during which numerous countries worldwide will present their offers to Croatian travellers and showcase all the interesting things that can be experienced. The underlying concept of the fair is to be a small-scale journey around the world with some of the exhibit areas dedicated to the most interesting Croatian destinations.

According to its title – the intention of the Place2go fair is to provide a possible answer to the potential tourists’ most pressing question: where to spend their holidays this year. The goal, therefore, is to popularise different destinations by way of giving visitors an opportunity to learn about the attractions, customs and offers typical of each of the exhibiting countries. The large exhibit hall where the exhibitors from all over the world will put up their stands, over a footprint of approximately 1400 square metres, will be dominated by the so-called Square of Nations. The central area will be dedicated to the so-called show presentation; short appearances by all the exhibiting countries with the intention of showcasing their offers in the most interesting way. They will present their typical cultures, dances, songs, traditions and gastronomy. In addition to the large hall which will accommodate the exhibition booths of exhibitors from virtually all continents, they will be able to underpin their marketing efforts in a large lecture area where potential travellers will be informed about particular destinations in more detail than can be obtained in the exhibition area alone. The fair is a way to provide a high quality link between the supply and demand, since the fair is indeed not intended for corporate partners but rather exclusively for potential tourists. It should be pointed out that most of the exhibitors will be tourist boards which bear chief responsibility for putting together attractive tourist packages. However, since the goal of the fair is to get visitors more accustomed to travel and to help them make better holiday and travel choices, the exhibitors will also include numerous travel agents, airlines, rent-a-car agencies, hotels, insurance companies, i.e. all those directly or indirectly involved in the tourism business.

A special part of the fair dedicated to the youngest visitors will showcase children and family-friendly holiday offers, including theme parks and destinations with “quality” packages for the whole family.

Judging by the number of applications received so far, many European destinations will join Croatian tourist resorts as exhibitors in Zagreb at the 1st Place2go fair, whereas the tourist offers of Malaysia, the Maldives, Egypt, the South African Republic and other long-haul destinations will bring an exotic flair to the event.

The fair organizer is the Zagreb-based Studio Damjana, the publisher of the popular tourist magazine “Travel for Two”.

The entry to the fair is free of charge and the organizers are expecting around 20,000 visitors.

Published: 01.02.2012