The 34th Zagreb Summer Evenings - Top class concerts by globally renowned musicians

The 34th edition of the Zagreb Summer Evenings will offer performances by globally renowned musicians, and it will take place between June 30th and July 15th at the same venues as before – the atrium of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery and the Church of St. Katherine.

Six top-class concerts performed by globally renowned musicians will mark the 34th Zagreb Summer Evenings. For the first time, the oldest festival of classical music in Zagreb, and one of the best summer festivals in this part of Europe, will feature a performance by the renowned French wind band - Les Vents Français, which includes Croatian hornist Radovan Vlatković. This concert will open the festival at the atrium of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery. Apart from the aforementioned band, this year’s edition of the Zagreb Summer Evenings will also feature a first time performance by the renowned French baroque ensemble - Les Arts Florissants, conducted by maestro William Christie.

Both concerts will take place as part of the Rendez-vous programme of the French Festival in Croatia, which will feature 150 various cultural events featuring French artists in 22 cities around Croatia. The festival started in May and it will last until September as part of the continued cooperation between the two countries, which began in 2012 with a presentation of Croatian culture in France.

For the first time, the Zagreb Summer Evenings will also feature a performance by the excellent Czech string quartet, Pavel Hass, and the Eggner Trio from Austria, which consists of three brothers playing the violin, violoncello and the piano. The event will also feature performances by Hungarian violinist Kristóf Baráti, Italian pianist Enrico Pace, and Croatian guitarist Srđan Bulat. The talented Croatian musician recently became a Master of Arts at the Royal Academy of London, and his performance at the Zagreb Summer Evenings will take place as part of the “Young Croatian Stars” programme.

The Zagreb Summer Evenings will take place between June 30th and July 15th, and apart from the atrium of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, concerts will also take place at the Church of St. Katherine.

The organizer of the festival is the Zagreb Concert Management. More information and the programme of all the performances can be found on their website at

Published: 02.06.2015