The Alphabet of Money

An interactive exhibition, The Alphabet of Money, designed for children over the age of eight, will remain open at the Technical Museum until January 10th of next year. It will provide children with the opportunity to learn a thing or two about money and develop some positive life values through fun and games.

Children now have the opportunity to learn a thing or two about money, providing their parents or teachers take them to visit the interactive exhibition The Alphabet of Money at the Technical Museum. The exhibition is aimed at children ages 8 and up, and it will remain open until January 10th 2016.

This exhibition provides children with the opportunity to learn about the function and purpose of money in a tactile and fun way, and to appreciate the importance of forming a critical approach to making important decisions in life, including those related to money and solvency. The exhibition was initiated by the Erste Group, and it is part of a sponsorship programme for a better tomorrow, and realized in cooperation with the Children’s Museum ZOOM from Vienna and the Children’s Museum FRida & freD from Graz.

At the exhibition children will receive an electronic bank card with starting capital on it. They will have the opportunity to playfully enact important processes in the money flow. They can carry out various jobs to earn money, spend their money on amenities and other goods, and even save money, thereby gaining an active understanding of the function and role of money in our society.

The exhibition will teach kids how to pay back loans, how to form product prices, what shareholder stocks are, what fair trade is, and what happened to the greedy king Midas… They will also receive tutoring on the basics of financial literacy. 

The ticket for this exhibition is also valid for the rest of the museum’s permanent exhibitions.

Published: 05.05.2015