The romantic facet of everyday life

Under a thick canopy of chestnut trees, one of Zagreb’s most romantic promenades will be the venue for numerous music and other stage shows, art exhibitions, open-air film projections and even a fireworks display for the half New Years’ celebration, all of which will be going on for exactly one hundred days. So many interesting events to choose from!

The Strossmayer Promenade, considered by many to be second to none among Zagreb’s many romantic promenades, leans onto the southern walls of the old town and it is towered over by a thick canopy of chestnut trees. It provides for an excellent getaway from the summer heat and everyday life. Between May 29th and September 2nd, it will pulsate in the rhythm of Strossmartre, an event which will last exactly 100 days and which will bring us the sounds of jazz, evergreens and other, decades-old, nostalgic music. The event will remind us of romantic open-air cinema projections, while visitors will also have an opportunity to view art installations excellently blended into the area around the Lotršćak Tower. Apart from many other happenings, consider yourselves invited to the half New Years’ celebration, which will, as New Years’ parties do, feature fireworks, song and good wishes all around. This year, however, there will also be another special reason for celebrating; on the very next day, Croatia will become an EU member state!

It is difficult to list all of the events that will be taking place in the shade of chestnut trees, but we will mention the contest for the best looking mixed breed dog, also referred to as Strosser. The winner will receive an award of a one meter long sausage.

Although you can easily come to this and many other events during this year’s edition of Strossmartre on foot, just a pleasant stroll from the Lower Town, make sure to use the Zagreb funicular at least once. It connects the Lower and Upper towns and gives you the experience of a rapid transition from the busy downtown to its romantic counterpart of the Upper Town streets where you can enjoy this unique one-hundred day event with just as many faces.

Published: 02.05.2013