The exhibition

For seven years now, the Museum of Contemporary Art and T-HT Croatian Telecom have organized annual exhibitions featuring recent works of contemporary visual art. A total of 203 works were submitted for this year’s exhibition, but only 16 of the best have been selected.

If you are a fan of contemporary visual art, we invite you to visit the exhibition, which will take place for the seventh year in a row, and will remain open until April 27th. The exhibition has been organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art and T-HT Croatian Telecom, and it features 16 of the best works submitted to the competition which have the chance to win a total of four awards for recent works of contemporary visual art.

A total of 203 works of art were submitted for this year’s exhibition, but among them a committee has selected three installations, six video installations, three multimedia installations, several paintings and drawings, as well as one communal art project as the best. Apart from these, visitors of the exhibition will also have the opportunity to view one performance.

Over the last seven years, more than a thousand works have been submitted for the exhibitions, and since they are never strictly themed, the submitted works include a high percentage of excellent art, many of which have been purchased. This exhibition’s concept provides a very relevant insight into the current state of Croatian contemporary art, and it features all generations of artists.

Published: 01.04.2014