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    A concert by the country legend Dale Watson

    In Tvornica Kulture on January 20th, fans of old, original country music will have an opportunity to enjoy a performance by legendary country singer Dale Watson, who will be promoting his latest album, “The Sun Sessions”. However, you can certainly expect to hear his old hits as well.

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    The European Futsal Championship

    Between January 31st and February 11th, Zagreb and Split will be hosts to the UEFAFutsal Euro 2012 in which the 12 best national teams from the old continent will be competing. Considering that the Croatian team is also taking part, it is certain that the atmosphere in the stands will be heated.

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    Glenn Miller Orchestra in Zagreb again

    Although Glenn Miller has not been among the living for almost 70 years, the good old swing rhythms popularized by one of the most prominent musicians of the early 20th century will again bring the audience of the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall to its feet. On 13th January, do not miss the Glenn Miller Orchestra, which will perform in Zagreb as part of their regional tour “In the Miller Mood”.

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    The Homeland War in the Croatian History Museum

    20 years after the beginning of the Homeland War, the memories of those who experienced it are still vivid. However, younger populations and numerous foreigners staying in Croatia who are not familiar with the historical facts about the war will have an opportunity to change that until September this year if they visit the exhibition The Homeland War at the Croatian Historical Museum.

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    A new Tourist Information Centre at the main bus station

    In late December 2011, the fourth Tourist Information Centre was opened at Zagreb's main bus station. Thereby, all the most important hubs in Zagreb with the highest frequency of travellers have now been covered.

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    Treat yourself to Advent in Zagreb

    This year’s Advent festivities will take place at many venues in Zagreb’s Lower and Upper Towns. The number of events, more than ever before, will provide entertainment for all generations. During the month of December, the whole city of Zagreb will be one big stage.

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    QR codes for all tourist locations in the city

    If you are interested in finding information about various tourist locales and you have a smart phone – your problems are solved because Zagreb now has smart QR codes at as many as 28 different locations around the city. By simply placing a mobile phone against the codes, you will automatically receive all the necessary information, images and video clips concerning the location you are interested in.

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    A guaranteed skiing spectacle!

    Judging by the preparations which are well underway and the fact that last year the men’s slalom race on Sljeme was one of the most viewed of all the Ski World Cup races, and that the women’s race was second only to the race in Semmering, the organizers of this year’s slalom race, which will take place on Sljeme above Zagreb on 3rd and 5th January, will certainly offer another true spectacle.

  • Opiniones de Famosos sobre Zagreb

    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Aquí todo me gusta, las chicas son hermosas y el servicio es extraordinario. ¿Se puede pedir algo más?

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Me acuerdo de nuestra actuación en Festival Inmusic. Apenas podemos esperar a volver a ver nuestros fanes. Creo que será muy interesante.




    Me hacía mucha ilusión visitar a Zagreb, especialmente porque mi madre venía conmigo. Mi gente investigó todo para que disfrutemos los principales puntos de interés.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Gracias por una de las mejores experienacias hoteleras. Nuestras habitaciones eran muy bonitas, el personal excelente, cada momento extraordinario. Y Zagreb... ¡Pura magia! ¡Les deseamos todo lo mejor!

    Source: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel



    El lugar donde se realiza el festival y Zagreb, donde pasamos una mañana muy relajada, son una maravilla.

    Fuente: INmusic festival

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg pasó el otoño de 2007 en Zagreb: Zagreb es una ciudad increíble. Disfruté recorriendo partes históricas de la ciudad y por las noches iba a las discotecas.




    Estamos muy entusiasmados de tocar por primera vez en Croacia, y felices porque tuvimos tiempo de pasear por su preciosa ciudad de Zagreb.

    Fuente: INmusic festival

    David Byrne

    David Byrne

    Si excluimos los cerros que rodean una parte de la capital, Zagreb es la ciudad perfecta para montar en bici. David Byrne (Talking Heads), al salir su libro 'Diarios de Bicicleta'


    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    ¡Gracias a todos los que vinieron a vernos a Inmusic Festival! La ciudad nos encantó y esperamos volver a vernos de nuevo.

    Fuente: INmusic festival

    Melanie Fiona

    Melanie Fiona

    Es una lastima que no pude quedarme más tiempo y conocer mejor la ciudad, pero Jarun me encantó con sus lagos y discotecas. Excelente lugar para salir a divertirse.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb