
  • 01

    Zagreb in the Eyes of Students

    How to present Zagreb to younger generations? Students in Zagreb certainly have interesting and original ideas on how to do this. Of the 11 competing teams, two teams shared first place. One winner was a promotional brochure featuring famous characters as tour guides (authors: Purger Team -Petra Mironović, Zrinka Kovačević, Gordana Vranješ, Goran Rađenović) and the other winner was a practical guide through the streets of Zagreb with an accompanying CD (Imation Group - Andrija Sabol, Siniša Topalović).

  • 01

    Zagreb is an Attractive Convention Destination

    The number of conventions that take place in Zagreb is steadily growing for a number of good reasons: the activities of the Convention Bureau of the City of Zagreb, the professionalism and skills of the hosts and the charm of the city and its surroundings.

  • 01

    Preparations Underway for the Construction of Terme Zagreb

    Within the next few years, Zagreb should witness the building of a thermal spa in the area where a geothermal field was discovered in 1976. The estimated cost of the spa's construction is around 50 million Euro and the expected number of visitors is half a million a year.

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    4th Days of Samobor's Cream Cakes

    Cream cakes have been Samobor's trademark for a long time. Towards the end of May, the town will stage interesting events devoted to this sweet delicacy which tourists will certainly find attractive.

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    The Biggest Dance Event in Croatia

    The end of April appearance of the leading Israeli dance ensemble, Inbal Pinto Dance Company, announced the 25th Dance Week Festival which will take place at venues in Zagreb and Rijeka between 26 May and 3 June.

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    A Jubilee Marked by an Impressive Program

    A very impressive cultural program has been prepared for the jubilee 10th St. Mark's Festival which will take place between 25 April and 18 May and will feature many prominent musicians.

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    Return to the Old Roots

    The recently opened Žunec Manor stands at the foot of Mt. Medvednica. It is to become the central feature of Zagreb’s future wine road, but it has already gained popularity as a favorite excursion spot for many citizens of the Croatian capital.

  • 01

    New Croatian Novel

    This year's Zagreb Book Fair focuses on the new Croatian novel. To give a boost to Croatian culture, for the first time, a literary award will be handed out under the name "" to the best Croatian novel published in 2007.

  • Opiniones de Famosos sobre Zagreb

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) escribió sobre Zagreb en su blog:



    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Me acuerdo de nuestra actuación en Festival Inmusic. Apenas podemos esperar a volver a ver nuestros fanes. Creo que será muy interesante.


    Eric Sardinas

    Eric Sardinas

    Me hace mucha ilusión visitar a Zagreb porque es donde siempre me siento bien y me parece como si hubiera pasado demasiado tiempo desde la última visita, aunque apenas había pasado un año.


    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg pasó el otoño de 2007 en Zagreb: Zagreb es una ciudad increíble. Disfruté recorriendo partes históricas de la ciudad y por las noches iba a las discotecas.


    Juliette Gréco

    Juliette Gréco

    Tengo un recuerdo bonito de Zagreb y la gente que conocí era muy amable, me dieron una bienvenida cariñosa. El público también era fantástico.




    Me hacía mucha ilusión visitar a Zagreb, especialmente porque mi madre venía conmigo. Mi gente investigó todo para que disfrutemos los principales puntos de interés.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    David Byrne

    David Byrne

    Si excluimos los cerros que rodean una parte de la capital, Zagreb es la ciudad perfecta para montar en bici. David Byrne (Talking Heads), al salir su libro 'Diarios de Bicicleta'


    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Aquí todo me gusta, las chicas son hermosas y el servicio es extraordinario. ¿Se puede pedir algo más?

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    ¡Gracias a todos los que vinieron a vernos a Inmusic Festival! La ciudad nos encantó y esperamos volver a vernos de nuevo.

    Fuente: INmusic festival



    ¡Muchas gracias, en nombre del grupo PIXIES, por otro día fantástico en Zagreb! Un gran festival con el público maravilloso (¡por favor, menos lluvia la próxima vez!). Hasta luego.

    Fuente: INmusic festival