3rd Day D in Zagreb

Designers, design buffs and potential buyers looking to discover quality projects and authors in this part of Europe are welcome to come to Zagreb for the 3rd Day D – the international design festival which will be held for three days between 15th and 17th July.

Contemporary design solutions for different areas and applications will again be the main topic of Zagreb's Day D – the international design festival which will be held between 15th and 17th July. The event will take place on the premises of the former slaughter house in Heinzelova Street, a building which was designed in the 20s of last century by one of the leading world experts at the time – German architect Walter Frese.

The third edition of this popular event will last three days in order to accommodate the large number of participating authors and contributors. The festival’s growing number of followers reflects the fact that the festival gathers designers from several countries, and that there is indeed a great demand for this type of applicable art.

As previously, the main event of this year's edition of the festival will be a large regional exhibition of authors under the age of 35. The non-profit event will showcase the best works in different areas of design activity and it is intended for designers and visitors equally. It will be an ideal opportunity to meet fellow designers, potential customers and buyers of design products and services, and will be the perfect spot for socializing during the rich concurrent programme. What distinguishes this festival from relatively similar events organized elsewhere is the fact that Day D not only presents the highest quality authors and projects but it relies more on integral projects, independent or group ones, on communication concepts for presenting one's own work, and presenting bright ideas which still require support. This is why D-market was launched last year as an alternative to the non-commercial central exhibition.

This year, D-market will present a selection of domestic and regional designer brands and small productions which are essential when it comes to raising product quality. Visitors can look forward to a number of guest exhibitions including Mikser's initiative “Young Balkan Designers”, and the newest project “Design Tourism: Croatian Holiday '12”, the international platform Ministry of Pleasure, and a number of other independent projects.

There will be a lot of fun, as well as presentations of authors and teams of authors. Foreign designers and design theoreticians are expected to come again this year to convey as much of their knowledge pertaining to different interest areas to the interested visitors.

The festival is jointly organized by the Croatian Design Association and the Pepermint Marketing Agency. The main objective of the event is to gather like-minded people, i.e. the best designers in the areas of visual communications, industrial design, fashion design, new media design...

Published: 01.06.2012