A review of the best works by Croatian artists

What were Croatian artists up to last year? What occupied their attention? What techniques did they use and what themes did they explore? The answers to those questions can be found at the 5th T-HTnagrada@msu.hr exhibition, where 40 awarded works by Croatian artists will be displayed until March 25th.

Traditionally, March is the month for showcasing the latest and best works by Croatian artists. Until March 25th, the Museum of Contemporary Art will feature the 5th T-HTnagrada@msu.hr exhibition for which an international jury has selected 40 works from a total of 249 submitted works by contemporary Croatian artists. If you are interested in a review of the most contemporary modern art in Croatia, and also wish to purchase some of the exhibited works, make sure to visit the Museum of Contemporary Art while the exhibition lasts.

There were no previously assigned thematic concepts or techniques for this competitive exhibition so it is to be expected that its 5th jubilee edition will once again offer a diverse artistic range.

In the early stages of what has developed into a large and much appreciated project among artists, the idea was to organize the exhibition to provide an incentive to the production of new art and media works.

However, artists of all styles and generations applied and the exhibition has become an important platform for presenting the current state of creativity and art in Croatia. Every year the exhibition brings to light a particularly noticeable trend among artists. This year there is a notable lack of works from the field of sculpture and an increase in the number of submitted videos and installations. However, since the jury does not base their selection on the concept of equality of medium and techniques, but rather on attractiveness and excellence of the works, this year’s exhibition will feature a truly interesting range of themes and approaches.

Since contemporary art has always partially relied on classic art, once again visitors will have an opportunity to enjoy creative works in which old motifs are intertwined with new ones, thereby questioning the world that surrounds them. For example, in place of classic portraits, there is a concept of first person narration with a critical review of the surroundings, as well as the position of the author in contemporary society. Landscapes are also present, not as classic aesthetic representations of the environment but rather as mediums through which relations between nature, culture and society are examined...

Like each T-HT exhibition in the past, this one will also present some novelties, and they will all be dedicated to the late Tomislav Gotovac, a great artist who has left a permanent mark, not only in Croatian artistic circles, but also within the context of global contemporary art.

Published: 01.03.2012