A summer festival of culture and entertainment

Between June 26th and July 5th, the traditional festival of culture and entertainment, Park-in-Zagreb, featuring events aimed primarily at young people, but also including programmes for children and somewhat older generations, will take place at Ribnjak Park.

For the 9th consecutive year, the beginning of summer in Zagreb will be marked by Park-in-Zagreb. This is a festival of culture and entertainment and a traditional outdoor event at the popular Ribnjak Park, located in the vicinity of Zagreb’s main square. The idea behind organizing the festival was to gather young people who have something to say, show or perform for those who want to check it out, and to make it open to all young artists from Croatia as well as abroad. The programme of this year’s Park-in-Zagreb will feature numerous cultural events to be enjoyed by visitors from morning until late at night while spending quality time in the pleasant atmosphere of the park. The programme will include theatre plays, video projections, exhibitions, performances, concerts of diverse music, as well as numerous lectures on various topics aimed at children and older visitors alike. Everyone will be welcome to partake in various creative workshops with opportunities to dance, paint, sculpt, act, cook, and learn a thing or two in accordance with their interests whilst having fun. The aim of the festival is to provide Zagreb’s citizens and tourists with daily entertainment in the shade of trees in one of Zagreb’s most beautiful parks.

The Park-in-Zagreb festival will take place between June 26th and July 5th. Entry to all events is free. The festival is being organized with the backing of the City Office for Education, Culture and Sport, as well as the Zagreb Tourist Board.

Published: 02.06.2014