An educational exhibition “Days of Bread”

Until the end of October the Technical Museum will be host to the “Days of Bread” event, which is primarily aimed at children who will have the opportunity to learn about the long tradition of bread making, but also actively participate in it by sowing wheat, crushing it by hand, and finally mixing the bread dough.

For the fifth consecutive year, throughout October, the Technical Museum will be host to the “Days of Bread” event, which is primarily aimed at younger children. The event is modelled after similar activities that have been organized for some time at Croatian kindergartens and schools, as well as educational institutions for children with special needs, as a sort of thanks for the fruits of the earth. Through these activities, children and students develop an awareness of organically grown products and a healthy diet, as well as adopt positive attitudes towards environmental protection.

The event will also feature workshops for youngsters, during which they will have an opportunity to learn about the long tradition of bread making. People started making bread many centuries ago, and the story of its history is an important part of human civilization because wheat cultivation enabled people to switch from a nomadic, hunter/gatherer lifestyle to settling down and living off agriculture in permanent settlements.

Thanks to this event at the Technical Museum, children and their families will have the opportunity to travel several thousand years into the past. On their journey, they will become familiar with the development of various farming tools and machinery, including mills that turn wheat into flour, and learn how flour is turned into bread dough. They will also have the opportunity to actively participate in the event by sowing wheat, crushing it by hand and also making dough for the bread. Each visitor will receive a small bag of wheat as a souvenir.

The “Days of Bread” event will be open to visitors from Tuesday until Friday, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. The duration of a workshop is one and a half hours, while ticket prices are 15 kuna per person, which also includes a guided tour and workshop materials.

More information, as well as free slots for participation in the event, can be found online at

Published: 02.10.2014