An event with a hundred faces

Once again Summer at Stross will span one hundred summer days, featuring loads of entertainment and diverse programmes along Strossmayer Promenade, just beneath the Lotršćak Tower in the Upper Town. Everyone is invited to attend Summer at Stross, taking place until September 15th.

This year’s Summer at Stross is in full swing. Once again it will take place for one hundred days. It will feature diverse programmes, including concerts, art installations incorporated into the ambiance, events for kids, fun contests, theatre plays, film projections and many other interesting events for Zagreb’s citizens and their guests to enjoy.

The interesting, daily events taking place until late in the evenings along Strossmayer Promenade, beneath the Lotršćak Tower in the Upper Town, offers everyone plenty of opportunities to find something to enjoy in their spare time. It is an ideal place for hanging out with friends, loved ones, family and children, because Summer at Stross takes place in the shade of large chestnut trees, which provide a refuge from the summer heat, as well as from everyday routines.

This year’s Summer at Stross, or Strossmartre, as it is popularly known, is being organized for the 14th consecutive year by the Street Kings. Like in previous year, it will once again be a place for fun with friends and family. Therefore, everyone is invited to take part in this event with a hundred faces, enjoyed not only by the citizens of Zagreb, but also their guests and numerous tourists. Summer at Stross will go on until September 15th.

Published: 02.06.2014