An exhibition of photographs by the famous Peter Lindbergh

Between April 8th and May 10th, the Home of Croatian Artists at the Meštrović Pavilion will be the venue for an exhibition of photographs by the renowned fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh. It will be this year’s only independent European exhibition of this photographer’s work.

Between April 8th and May 10th, the Home of Croatian Artists, located in the Meštrović Pavilion, will be the venue for an exhibition of photographs by Peter Lindbergh, one of the most sought after fashion photographers in the world. The exhibition features 150 photographs, handpicked for the Zagreb audience by the photographer himself, from his two separate series, “The Unknown” and “Images of Women”, which is also the exhibition title. After his last exhibition in this part of Europe, back in 1998 in Vienna, photos by this artist will now only be shown in Zagreb, at this year’s only independent exhibition of his works in Europe. 

Peter Lindbergh is one of the best fashion photographers in the world, in high demand by the editors of the most prestigious fashion and lifestyle magazines, as well as the leading cosmetics brands. He began his career as a photographer in the 1970s in Germany, working as an assistant on photo projects by the renowned Hans Lux. Soon after, he moved to Paris, where his creative approach to his first serious commission for the French edition of Vogue magazine opened the door to other glossy fashion magazines and popular fashion brands. His famous black and white covers for the 1990’s editions of the British Vogue magazine propelled supermodels such as Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford and Linda Evagenlista into stardom.

Apart from photographs, the exhibition also features a video installation, exclusively adapted for the occasion by Peter Lindbergh himself, inspired by the architecture of the Meštrović Pavilion – the Home of Croatian Artists.

Published: 01.04.2014