An international meeting of choreographers, dancers and dance ensembles

The 14th International Dance Event, which will be held at the Pogon Jedinstvo between April 25th and April 29th, promises to showcase the best work of many talented choreographers from Croatia and abroad.

The end of April in Zagreb is reserved for, an international dance gathering during which choreographers from Croatia as well as abroad will present themselves to Zagreb’s dance aficionados. During the 14th edition of the event, the best choreographers, dancers and dance ensembles will exchange ideas, thoughts and their individual approaches to dance by way of showcasing their best work. A host of performances, lectures and workshops are on the agenda of the gathering which will take place between April 25th and April 29th at the Pogon Jedinstvo.

The initiative to organize an event titled “A Platform of Young Choreographers” was first launched in 2000. The underlying idea was to develop a modern dance scene and provide young and talented Croatian choreographers with an opportunity to showcase their work and thus assert their place in the profession. Younger generations of Croatian choreographers would thus have a place to present themselves as well as to establish links with international choreographers with a view to possible future cooperation. Since the event quickly outgrew the framework of the initial concept and turned into an international seven-day gathering of dancers and dance troupes, its title was changed two years ago to reflect the scope of the current program. It is now being organized as, a place for networking, exchange and realization of various projects. Every partner who presents their show in the event will sign a cooperation contract. That way, talented Croatian choreographers are guaranteed participation in various festivals and platforms abroad.

Apart from shows by Croatian authors, over the past 13 years the event has also featured shows by choreographers from the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, France, Germany, Russia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Macedonia, Spain, Israel, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Argentina, Columbia, Sweden and Great Britain. 

Published: 02.04.2013