More than 400 films from all over the world

Between the 3rd and 8th of June, the cinemas Europa, Tuškanac and the Cineplexx Centar Kaptol will be the venues for the 24th edition of the World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb 2014, featuring more than 400 films.

More than 400 films in various programs, famous names including Oscar winners, and masterpieces of animation artists, Juriy Norshteyn and Norman McLaren, as well as Croatian films and works by talented young authors from across the globe… All of this will mark Animafest Zagreb 2014. This year’s 24th edition of the festival will take place between the 3rd and 8th of June in the cinemas Europa, Tuškanac and the Cineplexx Centar Kaptol. Like in previous years, it will provide audiences with a full insight into the global animation scene. Since the festival is competitive in nature, this year’s Great Competition and Great Panorama, as well as the Student Competition, the Student Panorama, and the Competition of purpose-made films, will feature 144 films from 73 countries, selected by an international committee out of 1725 films.

During this year’s edition of the World Festival of Animated Film, visitors will have the opportunity to see 40 Croatian films, which is ten percent of the program. Of the 144 films nominated for prestigious awards, eight films by Croatian authors made it to the international competitive programs, while four were included in the panoramic programs. As of this year, the festival will also feature a competition for children’s films. A panel of judges made up of children will choose the best among 37 works by authors from three continents, while kids accompanied by parents will also have the opportunity to enjoy the Family Program. That, however, is not all! Visitors of this year’s edition of Animafest can also expect other novelties, as well as a diverse concurrent program, including exhibitions, concerts, conversations with authors, and the Animafest Scanner science gathering.

More information about the program of the 24th World Festival of Animated Film, Animafest Zagreb 2014, can be found online at

Published: 02.05.2014