Music events at Gvozdanović Palace

A new concert season, featuring performances by excellent young musicians, is in full swing at Gvozdanović City Palace on Visoka Street in the Upper Town. Just like in the old days, after each concert visitors will be able to stay on and socialize in the salon.

A new concert season began in late September at Gvozdanović Palace, located on Visoka Street in the Upper Town. The palace is the only building of this kind in the Upper Town which has been completely preserved and open to the public. The concert cycle was modelled after the intimate salon concerts which were organized there in the early 20th century by the palace’s last private owner, Anka Gvozdanović – a pianist and great aficionado of art. In 1966, she left her private apartment to the city of Zagreb. The Gvozdanović Collection of objets d’art in their original setting epitomizes the culture of living among wealthier citizens in late 19th century and early 20th century Zagreb. The entire collection consists of the living space on the first floor, including a hallway, a bedroom, a string of salons, a dining-room and ballroom.

The concerts are being held in the large dance and concert hall, and the programme includes three exquisite music events. For the first time they are dedicated to Croatian musicians, so the new season was opened by a performance by mezzo-soprano Ivana Srbljan, with piano accompaniment by Mateja Leko. The second concert is scheduled for October 13th, and it will feature a performance by the excellent young violoncellist Latica Anić, who won first place at the recently held contest in the Austrian town of Liezen. She will be accompanied by Marija Pranjić on piano and Lucija Hraščanec on saxophone. The last concert, taking place on November 4th, will feature a performance by the internationally renowned pianist Mia Elezović, accompanied by Ivana Zahirović on flute and Vlatka Pehljan playing the violin and the viola.

Like in the old days, after each concert the audience members will be invited to enjoy snacks and refreshments as well as social encounters in the salon.

The co-organizers of the project are the Museum of Arts and Crafts, where tickets for the event can be purchased, and G.A.D. PRODUKCIJA. More information about the new concert cycle can be found online at

Published: 02.10.2014