The Biggest Exhibition of Young Artists

During the Youth Salon, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, works will be presented for the first time by gifted young artists from abroad, which means that the largest biennial event for the creativity of youths in Croatia has received international recognition.

The 29th Youth Salon will be held in Meštrović's Pavilion from October 4th to 26th. It is the largest Croatian biennial event for the creativity of youths and this year marks its 40th anniversary. It is organized by the Croatian Association of Fine Arts. Set up as a place for young people to discuss different topics, this year's Salon se osim u godini u kojoj se obilježava njegova vrijedna obljetnica poklapa i godišnjicom organiziranja studentskih pokreta – 1968. The entire project consists of a number of exhibitions, concerts and conferences for young professionals in the world of culture. This year the Salon has received international status for the first time. Therefore, the project leaders, Ivana Bago and Antonia Majač, have decided that this year's event for the creativity of youths would be an international exhibition under the name “Salon Revolution” and that 50 artistic projects by authors under the age of 35 would be presented. For their creations they can use all types of media, interweaving different creative forms. Besides the works by domestic authors, the public can see projects by some of the most eminent foreign young artists. Some of the presenters are Mexican artist Juliet Arand, young star of Kosovo Jakup Ferri, Mario Garcia Tores, whose works intrigued the artistic world at the last Venetian Biennial, Alejandro Cesarco, an artist from Uruguay who creates in New York, the Romanian duo Mona Vatamanu and Florin Tudor, the Spanish artist Patricia Esquivias, the Slovenian artist Janez Janša and the Turkish artists Koken Ergun and Ahmet Ogut. The domestic authors that will have their works on display are Karla Šuler, Marko Marković, Božidar Katić, Ivan Latin and other artists.
Within the “Salon Revolution” will be the presentation of the project by the renowned Italian theoretician and curator Marc Scotini titled “Arhiv neposluha”. During this project the author will pass through six sections presenting films and video works by artists and activists from around the world who deal with the questions of citizens' rebelling, fighting against globalization and the privatization of public areas. This is all a civil and artistic initiative in the sphere of public life. 
The beginning of the Salon will kick off with a performance by Siniša Labrović titled, “Cheers” which will take place exactly at noon on the day of the opening of the exhibition in the middle of Zagreb's Ban Josip Jelačić Square.

Published: 08.10.2008