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    Fooling Around by the Funicular, Snowball Fights and Skiing at Stross

    Amidst everything that the city has to offer during the event-packed project Advent in Zagreb, we would like to mention two very interesting programmes: Fooling Around by the Funicular and Skiing at Stross, which will end on the 10th and the 7th of January, respectively. Before they come to an end, they will offer entertainment one should not miss on their winter visit to Zagreb.

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    Zagreb once again hosts the global tennis greats

    Since 2006, at the beginning of each year, Zagreb has been welcoming the world’s most renowned tennis players. This winter, between the 2nd and the 10th of February, it will be host to numerous male tennis stars who traditionally participate in the PBZ Zagreb Indoors, a tournament the organizers call “a tournament that is much more than the tournament itself” due to various concurrent events.

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    The world of wine and tourism in Zagreb

    On March 15th and 16th, Zagreb’s Regent Esplanade Hotel will be host to a large International wine tourism conference, which will bring together more than 300 wine, gastronomy and tourism experts from 30 countries around the globe.

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    An international documentary film festival – even better this year!

    The renowned International Documentary Film Festival, ZagrebDox 2013, will introduce many novelties this year and, according to organizers, it will be better than ever. Zagreb is the place to be between February 24th and March 3rd if you wish to attend screenings of some of the best current documentary films in the world, a large pitching forum and numerous concurrent workshops. The number of lecturers will also be far greater this year than ever before.

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    A city different from others

    Over the last years, numerous global media, including the British Guardian, have been “discovering” Zagreb, a blooming tourist destination which allures visitors with the promise of a different kind of holiday. According to journalists at The Guardian, Zagreb is a city different from others, and as such it will particularly fascinate those who are looking for alternative types of fun and entertainment.

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    Take a Peek into the “World of Toys”

    The Ethnographic Museum will be taken over by toys until the end of May. They will be presented in four different exhibitions – Toys from the Croatian Heritage, From the World of Toys, Polish Traditional Toys, and Toys Have a Heart. The entire project has been titled “The World of Toys”, and apart from all of the exhibits, the visitors will also have an opportunity to enjoy numerous workshops and concurrent toy-related events.

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    Dinosaur Jr. only in Zagreb!

    Although they are not among the world’s greatest bands, Dinosaur Jr., who will perform in the Culture Factory on February 16th, will personally prove to their fans why they are regarded as one of the most significant and most influential American alternative rock bands of all time. They will also present their latest studio album, “I Bet On Sky”, and Zagreb is the only city in the region they have chosen for this occasion.

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    Dramatic Club Zagreb – a new nightlife venue

    In mid-December, yet another nightclub opened its doors in Zagreb, but not as a place for typical nightlife entertainment offered by your average nightclub. The name itself – Dramatic Club Zagreb – suggests that numerous renowned DJ’s, performers and artists acting as the principle protagonists of Zagreb’s new nightlife scene have been hired to add a new kind of drama to the conventional club life.

  • Bekannte über Zagreb

    Melanie Fiona

    Melanie Fiona

    Es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht länger bleiben und ein wenig mehr von der Stadt sehen konnte, aber Jarun mit dem See und den Nachtclubs hat mich begeistert. Es hat alles was man für eine gute Party braucht. 

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg war im Herbst 2007 längere Zeit in Zagreb: Zagreb ist eine unglaubliche Stadt. Ich habe es genossen, die alten Stadtteile zu besichtigen und abends ging ich in die Clubs. Es hat mich auch begeistert, dass Österreich und Italien so nahe sind, so dass ich an den Wochenenden nach Venedig, Mailand, Ljubljana, Graz, Split u.v.a. Städte fuhr. 


    Eric Sardinas

    Eric Sardinas

    Ich freue mich auf Zagreb als den Ort, an dem ich mich immer wohl fühle und habe den Eindruck, als ob zu viel Zeit vom letzten Besuch vergangen wäre, obwohl er nur etwas mehr als ein Jahr zurückliegt. 


    Flogging Molly

    Flogging Molly

    Wir genießen diesen Dienstag in Zagreb. Bald machen wir uns auf den Weg zur Hauptbühne auf dem INmusic Festival.

    Quelle: INmusic festival

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    Ich bedanke mich bei allen, die zum INmusic Festival gekommen sind, um uns zu sehen! Wir sind begeistert von der Stadt und hoffen, dass wir uns wiedersehen werden.

    Quelle: INmusic festival

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) schrieb auf seinem Blog über Zagreb:


    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    Wir sind zum ersten Mal in Zagreb. Es gefällt uns hier sehr gut. Wir werden es zwar nicht schaffen, an die Küste zu fahren, aber wir werden uns erholen und ein wenig durch die Stadt spazierengehen...

    Quelle: INmusic festival

    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Hier ist alles super, die Mädchen sind wunderschön, der Service spitzenmäßig. Was kann man von einer Stadt noch verlangen? 

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagreb ist wunderschön, aber am meisten haben mich die Menschen begeistert. Alle sind so freundlich und zugänglich. Einen besseren Gastgeber hätte ich mir nicht wünschen können. 

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb



    Ich habe mich ganz besonders auf Zagreb gefreut, vor allem, weil meine Mutter mit mir reiste. Meine Leute haben vorher alles genau erforscht, damit wir es schaffen, die wichtigsten Sachen in der Stadt zu sehen!

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb