Ich bedanke mich bei allen, die zum INmusic Festival gekommen sind, um uns zu sehen! Wir sind begeistert von der Stadt und hoffen, dass wir uns wiedersehen werden.
Quelle: INmusic festival
Owing to the first Croatian app of its kind entitled Gruntek, as of recently citizens of Zagreb are able to rent their own garden, choose organic vegetables to be planted, pay virtual visits to the site and finally enjoy the rich tastes of its fruits.
During the last quarter of a century, Mala scena has gone a long way, figuratively speaking in their development but also literally by travelling to meet spectators in Croatia and abroad. This life on wheels continues this year as well but in a completely different manner.
On Valentine’s Day, or any other day that you find special, Zagreb offers a unique atmosphere, warm welcome and many opportunities to spend time in a pleasant and entertaining way. Let these days in the City with a Million Hearts be the ones to remember this year once again.
In the nine decades of its existence, Zagreb’s central farmer’s market Dolac has become an institution and a place where you can find out the most about citizens of Zagreb, their lives and habits, even in just a few words.
Instructions for donations and assistance for people affected by the earthquake in Petrinja and Sisak
Holidays are a time when family gathers at the dinner table. It will happen once again this year, even though with additional caution and care for the most vulnerable groups. This Christmas, tasty flavours and best wishes will certainly be abundant at the dinner table in Zagreb.
When visiting museums, we frequently forget the interesting history of the buildings in which they are located and their role in the social and political life of the City of Zagreb.
One can learn about the solar system in many ways. Citizens and visitors of Zagreb have one additional way to learn, which is original and interesting.