
  • 01

    Americans and Japanese Push Upwards

    A majority of Zagreb’s guests arrive from Germany, but according to statistical data, during the first seven months of this year, the highest numbers of recorded guests were from the United States of America and Japan.

  • 01

    Students of Zagreb's Grammar School Win Four Olympic Medals

    Zagreb has Olympians! Students of one of Zagreb's grammar school are on a roll. They recorded new successes at the most prestigious international competition in informatics for high school students under the age of 19. While the much more popular Olympic Games were taking place in Beijing, the 20th International Olympiad in Informatics was taking place in Egypt. Croatian grammar school students returned from it with as many as four medals under their belts.

  • 01

    An Impressive Program – Pleasure Guaranteed

    A new theatre season has started with a handful of good shows on the programs of Zagreb’s theaters. The Croatian National Theater has announced no less than 10 world premieres and the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall will not disappoint either as it promises to bring prominent international musicians and orchestras as guests at their traditional concert cycles.

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    84th Zagreb International Autumn Fair

    The 84th Zagreb International Fair will take place between the 16th and 21st of September. Products and services will be showcased at a number of specialized exhibitions organized during the biggest fair event in south-east Europe.

  • 01

    The Season Starts!

    Zagreb’s night life gains momentum in September. Unlike museums, galleries and cinema theatres whose audiences do not dwindle during the summer months, most clubs and theaters reopen their doors when it becomes a little cooler – which means right now! Attractive events vie for visitors…

  • 01

    The first exhibition of medieval tombstones

    On 4 September, the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery will open its doors to visitors of the heaviest exhibition ever. The gallery had to rent a 23-ton hauler to transport massive medieval tombstones – stećak, all the way from Dalmatian Zagora to Zagreb's Upper Town in order to prepare the first exhibition of the last resting places of the dead.

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    A Festival Marked by Classical Drama

    Between the 20th and 29th of September, Zagreb will be host to plays from several countries during the Sixth World Theater Festival. The Festival will kick off in a somewhat unorthodox way. Instead of a theater performance, the opening act will be a concert by the well known hip-hop group TBF from Split.

  • 01

    When Puppets Rule the City

    The 41st International Puppet Festival kicked off on the 29th of August and will end on the 5th of September. The festival, organized by the International Center for Providing Services in Culture (MCUK) has gained a strong reputation all over the world. Since its very beginnings, it has been open to all forms of puppetry expression, techniques, genres and topics. In addition to a fairly standard program, this year's PIF features several puppet and animated films.

  • Bekannte über Zagreb



    Der Ort, an dem das Festival stattfindet und Zagreb, in dem wir einen ausgeprochen entspannten Vormittag verbracht haben, sind wunderschön. 

    Quelle: INmusic festival

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    Ich bedanke mich bei allen, die zum INmusic Festival gekommen sind, um uns zu sehen! Wir sind begeistert von der Stadt und hoffen, dass wir uns wiedersehen werden.

    Quelle: INmusic festival

    Juliette Gréco

    Juliette Gréco

    Zagreb ist mir als wunderschöne Stadt in Erinnerung geblieben, und die Menschen, die ich kennengelernt habe, waren sehr nett und haben mich sehr warm empfangen. Das Publikum war ebenfalls wunderbar. Dieses Konzert  ist für mich wie ein schönes Souvenir. 


    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Danke für eine der besten Hotelerfahrungen überhaupt. Unsere Zimmer waren wunderschön, das Personal ausgezeichnet, jeder Augenblick war ganz besonders. Und Zagreb... zauberhaft! Nur das Beste!

    Source: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel



    Wir sind wegen unseres ersten Auftritts in Kroatien aufgeregt und überglücklich, weil wir Zeit hatten, ihre wunderschöne Stadt zu besichtigen.

    Quelle: INmusic festival

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagreb ist wunderschön, aber am meisten haben mich die Menschen begeistert. Alle sind so freundlich und zugänglich. Einen besseren Gastgeber hätte ich mir nicht wünschen können. 

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Hier ist alles super, die Mädchen sind wunderschön, der Service spitzenmäßig. Was kann man von einer Stadt noch verlangen? 

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Flogging Molly

    Flogging Molly

    Wir genießen diesen Dienstag in Zagreb. Bald machen wir uns auf den Weg zur Hauptbühne auf dem INmusic Festival.

    Quelle: INmusic festival

    David Byrne

    David Byrne

    Die umliegenden Berge auf der einen Seite der Stadt ausgenommen, ist Zagreb perfekt zum Radfahren. David Bryne (Talking Heads) anlässlich des Erscheinens seines  Buches Bicycle Diaries. 




    Ich habe mich ganz besonders auf Zagreb gefreut, vor allem, weil meine Mutter mit mir reiste. Meine Leute haben vorher alles genau erforscht, damit wir es schaffen, die wichtigsten Sachen in der Stadt zu sehen!

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb