Ich habe mich ganz besonders auf Zagreb gefreut, vor allem, weil meine Mutter mit mir reiste. Meine Leute haben vorher alles genau erforscht, damit wir es schaffen, die wichtigsten Sachen in der Stadt zu sehen!
Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb
Mini-van City Tours are organized every day and depart at 10 a.m. from Bakačeva Street near the Cathedral. The tour lasts three hours and includes the most significant historic and cultural sites in Zagreb.
The promenade concerts in Zrinjevac Park cherish the traditions and spirit of Zagreb as they were before and still are today. Beautiful songs will resound across the park throughout the month of June, bringing pleasure to the ears of the city’s visitors.
The beautifully decorated settings of Zagreb’s lakes, Jarun and Bundek, and their new facilities are where numerous sporting and cultural events take place. The swimming season at the lakes will officially kickoff in mid-June.
Zagreb's Time Machine is a series of traditional events that take place on the streets of Zagreb. This year's Time Machine kicked off in mid-April and will continue until early October.
During the first three months of this year, the number of overnights recorded in Zagreb was 12 per cent up on the same period last year. Domestic guests account for the particularly steep upward trend in the number of overnights.
Animafest has become one of the most significant world festivals of animated film. This year, it is marked by short feature films with many authors from all over the world competing for awards.
The first guests have already praised the first stage of the renovations that have just been completed at the largest hostel in Zagreb. The works to renovate the remainder of the hotel premises are scheduled to continue in the second half of this year.
Between 6 and 25 May, Zagreb will be the host of the 10th International Exhibition of Graphic Design and Visual Communication. The main organizer is the Croatian Association of Applied Arts.