Ich bedanke mich bei allen, die zum INmusic Festival gekommen sind, um uns zu sehen! Wir sind begeistert von der Stadt und hoffen, dass wir uns wiedersehen werden.
Quelle: INmusic festival
Harlem Gospel Choir will add to the holiday cheer in Zagreb by performing the most famous Christmas songs and gospels right before Christmas.
The 4th edition of Salon of Sparkling Wines will take place at the very end of January 2020 and gather excellent winemakers and fans of sparkling wine.
Apocalyptica will open the string of large concerts in Zagreb in 2020. The famous symphonic metal band from Helsinki announces new pieces that the Zagreb audience will be among the first to hear.
Sinead O'Connor, a famous singer and one of the greatest talents in music industry since the mid-eighties, will give her first, exclusive concert in Zagreb at the Culture Factory (Tvornica Kulture) in mid-January.
The My Zagreb app brings together all services provided by the city and informs users about current events, but it also enables them to interact with the city administration bodies to make the city more beautiful and functional.
Many consider December to be the most beautiful month of the year in Zagreb. Advent in Zagreb, which will mark the period between early December and the first days of January in the entire city, contributes the most to the holiday atmosphere.
Although this entire year is about marking the seventieth anniversary of its artistic activity, the National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia LADO is preparing a concert in late November which will be the culmination of the birthday programme.
In early January, while the holiday spirit is still alive, Zagreb will welcome some of the best slalom skiers of today who rank the Snow Queen Trophy at the top of their favourite races of the FIS Ski World Cup.