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    Fun at Bundek

    Between the 15th and the 25th of September, Bundek Lake will once again be the venue for the 4th edition of Rujanfest. Aside from a diverse culinary selection, visitors can expect yet another entertaining event featuring performances by numerous popular musicians and bands from all over Croatia and the wider region.

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    36th Samobor Music Autumn

    A visit to Zagreb’s surroundings does not necessarily entail the mere characteristics of an excursion. If you like classical music and you will be in Zagreb during late September, make sure to head to Samobor, the tourism jewel of Zagreb County, where the 36th Samobor Music Autumn and the 8th International Competition of Young Musicians “Ferdo Livadić” will be taking place between September 24th and October 8th.

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    World puppet theatres once again in Zagreb

    Between the 5th and the 11th of September, for the 44th consecutive year, Zagreb will once again be host to some of the best known Croatian and global puppet theatres, which will present themselves during PIF: an international puppet theatre festival. Aside from plays, the festival will feature an array of workshops, exhibitions and seminars about puppetry.

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    Animalism in the work of Vladimir Filakovac

    Besides the popular exhibition “Fliers of the Great Sky”, the Croatian Natural History Museum is concurrently presenting another interesting exhibition, “Animalism in the work of Vladimir Filakovac”. Both exhibitions will remain open until the end of the year.

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    7th Zagreb Ladies Open

    Between the 10th and the 18th of September, the Maksimir Tennis Centre, located in eastern Zagreb, will be the venue for a traditional 7th Zagreb Ladies Open. This large international tennis tournament will feature around fifty professional female tennis players from all over the world.

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    Fleet Foxes to set Zagreb on fire

    Among the array of major names from the world of music that will be visiting Zagreb this autumn, the Oregon folk-rock sensation, Fleet Foxes, will perform at Tvornica kulture on November 14th. Critics and audiences regularly compare the band to legends such as Stills Nash & Young, Simon & Garfunkel, and even the Beach Boys.

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    Rammstein once again in Zagreb

    With their latest European tour “Made in Germany 1995 – 2011”, the popular German band Rammstein will be presenting a compilation of their greatest hits composed throughout their 16-year career. As part of their aforementioned tour, Rammstein will hold a concert at the Zagreb Arena on November 8th.

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    5th International Competition of Young Conductors “Lovro von Matačić”

    If you are interested to find out who are the best young conductors in the world and what they are like at work, make sure not to miss the large, 5th International Competition of Young conductors “Lovro von Matačić”, which will, as always, take place at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall.

  • Opiniones de Famosos sobre Zagreb

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) escribió sobre Zagreb en su blog:



    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    Es nuestra primera vez en Zagreb. De verdad lo estamos pasando buenísimo. No tendremos tiempo para visitar la costa croata, pero sí, vamos a descansar y pasear un poco por la ciudad.

    Fuente: INmusic festival

    Juliette Gréco

    Juliette Gréco

    Tengo un recuerdo bonito de Zagreb y la gente que conocí era muy amable, me dieron una bienvenida cariñosa. El público también era fantástico.




    Me hacía mucha ilusión visitar a Zagreb, especialmente porque mi madre venía conmigo. Mi gente investigó todo para que disfrutemos los principales puntos de interés.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Melanie Fiona

    Melanie Fiona

    Es una lastima que no pude quedarme más tiempo y conocer mejor la ciudad, pero Jarun me encantó con sus lagos y discotecas. Excelente lugar para salir a divertirse.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Aquí todo me gusta, las chicas son hermosas y el servicio es extraordinario. ¿Se puede pedir algo más?

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    ¡Gracias a todos los que vinieron a vernos a Inmusic Festival! La ciudad nos encantó y esperamos volver a vernos de nuevo.

    Fuente: INmusic festival

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Me acuerdo de nuestra actuación en Festival Inmusic. Apenas podemos esperar a volver a ver nuestros fanes. Creo que será muy interesante.


    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagreb es una ciudad preciosa, pero lo que más me encanta es la gente. Todos son muy amables y accesibles. Mejores anfitriones no pude haber tenido.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Gracias por una de las mejores experienacias hoteleras. Nuestras habitaciones eran muy bonitas, el personal excelente, cada momento extraordinario. Y Zagreb... ¡Pura magia! ¡Les deseamos todo lo mejor!

    Source: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel