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    Thematic World War II Exhibition

    Continuing the series of thematic exhibitions revolving around various periods and events from the Croatia’s World War II history, the exhibition "El Shatt – A Croatian Camp in the Sinai Desert, Egypt 1944 to 1946" will remain open at the Croatian History Museum until the end of August.

  • 02

    All Allowed to Go Crazy

    Samobor is a tourist town some twenty kilometers west of Zagreb. Part of its rich tradition and one of its idiosyncrasies is certainly the Samobor Fašnik. On 25 January this year, somewhat earlier than usual, Samobor will become a Free Carnival Republic for the 182nd time in its history.

  • 02

    The Most Eminent Documentary Film Festival in the Region

    ZagrebDox is an international documentary film festival and competition which has been taking place in Zagreb for four years. The underlying idea behind its launch was to raise people’s awareness of the long documentary film making tradition in South Eastern Europe.

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    From Rockabilly to Tango

    BP is the best known jazz club in Zagreb. It opened its doors at Teslina Street no. 7 in the downtown area of Zagreb exactly twenty years ago, on 1 April. Since then, numerous eminent world musicians have appeared in the club and shared the joy of "traveling through the night" on the wings of good music, friendship and laughter.

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    A visit to Zagorje and the Majsec Watermill

    Some half an hour drive north of Zagreb in Croatian Zagorje, Donja Stubica is the location of Majsec Watermill – a typical Zagorje country house ideal for a rural holiday. In the spring, your eyes will feast on the beautiful irises and your taste buds will be tempted by the flavors and tastes of Zagorje’s cuisine.

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    Chris Potter's Underground At Lisinski

    On 18 February, one of the leading international jazz saxophonists, Chris Potter, will appear with his band in Zagreb’s Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall.

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    5th Edition of Human Rights Film Festival

    The 5th Human Rights Film Festival is scheduled to take place between 8 and 14 February at Zagreb’s Europa film theater. This year, exceptionally, the festival takes place in February and not in its traditional slot during the International Human Rights Days in the first half of December.

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    Great Artists’ Exhibitions Mark the Year Ahead

    According to announcements from Zagreb’s museums, this year’s host of remarkable exhibitions will provide tourist agencies with plenty of opportunities to create new programs and attract even greater numbers of tourists to whom they will be able to offer a wealth of new cultural contents.

  • Opiniones de Famosos sobre Zagreb

    David Byrne

    David Byrne

    Si excluimos los cerros que rodean una parte de la capital, Zagreb es la ciudad perfecta para montar en bici. David Byrne (Talking Heads), al salir su libro 'Diarios de Bicicleta'




    ¡Muchas gracias, en nombre del grupo PIXIES, por otro día fantástico en Zagreb! Un gran festival con el público maravilloso (¡por favor, menos lluvia la próxima vez!). Hasta luego.

    Fuente: INmusic festival

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) escribió sobre Zagreb en su blog:



    Juliette Gréco

    Juliette Gréco

    Tengo un recuerdo bonito de Zagreb y la gente que conocí era muy amable, me dieron una bienvenida cariñosa. El público también era fantástico.




    Me hacía mucha ilusión visitar a Zagreb, especialmente porque mi madre venía conmigo. Mi gente investigó todo para que disfrutemos los principales puntos de interés.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Aquí todo me gusta, las chicas son hermosas y el servicio es extraordinario. ¿Se puede pedir algo más?

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagreb es una ciudad preciosa, pero lo que más me encanta es la gente. Todos son muy amables y accesibles. Mejores anfitriones no pude haber tenido.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Eric Sardinas

    Eric Sardinas

    Me hace mucha ilusión visitar a Zagreb porque es donde siempre me siento bien y me parece como si hubiera pasado demasiado tiempo desde la última visita, aunque apenas había pasado un año.




    El lugar donde se realiza el festival y Zagreb, donde pasamos una mañana muy relajada, son una maravilla.

    Fuente: INmusic festival

    Tommy Emmanuel

    Tommy Emmanuel

    La sala de concierto 'Vatroslav Lisinski' me gustó muchísimo. Actuar allí era un sentimiento muy poderoso porque la gente vino, escuchó cautelosamente y sintió la música en su corazón. Lisinski es una sala hermosa y me siento muy honrado que puedo actuar allí. Mi primera actuación en 'Lisinski' es un recuerdo muy bonito.
