
  • 01

    Do not miss the original Party United!

    On May 1st, Zagreb will once again host the night club spectacle, Party United; its motto is well-known to everyone: “15 clubs, 15 parties, one ticket, one night, one city”.

  • 01

    A sailing regatta in the heart of the capital

    Tourists who visit Zagreb’s Jarun Lake on June 12th and June 13th will have a special opportunity to attend a great sailing regatta in the heart of continental Croatia.

  • 01

    Everything we did (not) know about Earth!

    The eighth edition of the significant Science Festival will take place between the 19th and 24th of April in Zagreb, as well as other Croatian cities. Featuring an even more diverse program than last year, over the course of six days, and in some twenty locations across town, visitors will have an opportunity to discover everything they do not yet know about our planet. All the topics will be presented in a way that is both interesting and understandable to everyone.

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    Zagreb awaits Bob Dylan

    As part of his tour of southeast Europe, the musical legend and one of the greatest singer-songwriters of all time, Bob Dylan, is coming to Zagreb. His performance has been announced for June 7th and it will take place in open-air at the Šalata sports center.

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    Women of Zagreb

    As of recently, foreign visitors can experience Zagreb from the interesting perspective of the famous women who have left their stamp upon the town they have lived in. They are the main theme of the newest walking tour which is organized every Friday starting at 5 p.m. under the name “Women of Zagreb”.

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    Lord of the Dance once again in Zagreb

    After two years, the globally-famous dance troupe, Lord of the Dance, will hold two performances in Zagreb, on May 16th, at the Dražen Petrović basketball hall.

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    An exciting look at an iconography of the city

    If interested in what Zagreb once looked like, which were its landmarks, or what made it different to other European cities, one must visit Zagreb’s Modern Gallery. It is here that the large exhibition, “An iconography of the City”, will reveal popular city motifs as seen from the perspective of the most significant local artists of the 20th century. This iconographic exhibition will be open until April 4th.

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    A Festival of Documentary Film

    The sixth edition of the region’s largest international festival of documentary film, ZagrebDox, will present some 140 documentaries in various categories. These films will be shown over an eight-day course: between February 28th and March 7th. The official programme will also feature other attractive contents.

  • Les connus sur Zagreb

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Je me souviens du concert au festival "INmusic". Nous ne pouvons pas attendre de revoir nos fans. Je pense que ce sera très touchant.


    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    On est pour la première fois à Zagreb. On se sent très bien ici. Nous n’aurons pas le temps de visiter la côte, mais nous allons nous reposer et nous balader dans les rues...

    Source: INmusic festival

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagreb est belle, mais ce qui m'a le plus plu, ce sont ces gens. Tout le monde est sympa et abordable. Meilleurs hôtes vous ne pouviez pas rêver.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Merci pour l'une des meilleures expériences de l'hôtel jamais. Les chambres étaient belles, le personnel excellent. Chaque instant était magnifique. Et Zagreb ... magique! Bonne chance!

    Source: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel

    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Tout est formidable ici. Les femmes sont belles, le service est de première classe. Que puis-je demander à la ville?

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Flogging Molly

    Flogging Molly

    Nous profitons ce mardi de Zagreb. On va se diriger bientôt vers le Main stage à Inmusic festival.

    Source: INmusic festival

    Juliette Gréco

    Juliette Gréco

    Zagreb est resté dans ma mémoire comme une belle ville. Les gens que j'y ai rencontré étaient très gentils, ils m'ont offert un accueil chaleureux. Le public, lui aussi, était belle. En effet, ce concert m'était comme un beau souvenir.




    Le lieu du festival et la ville de Zagreb dans laquelle nous avons passé une matinée agréable sont magnifiques.

    Source: INmusic festival

    Eric Sardinas

    Eric Sardinas

    J'ai hâte de Zagreb parce que c'est une destination où je me sens bien et il a passé beaucoup de temps depuis ma dernière visite, même si c'était un peu plus d'un an.


    Tommy Emmanuel

    Tommy Emmanuel

    J'ai aimé beaucoup la salle de concert "Lisinski". C'était un sentiment très puissant parce que les gens sont venus et ils ont écouté et senti la musique dans le cœur. "Lisinski" est une belle salle  et je suis très honoré d'avoir l'opportunité d'y performer. Mon premier concert à "Lisinski" m'est resté en très bon souvenir.
