
  • 06

    A hotel designed for the needs of modern business travelers

    City Business Hotel Aristos is conveniently located in the Buzin business park on the southern outskirts of Zagreb. Since early April, the hotel features as another luxury congress and banqueting venue on the hotel map of Zagreb. Covering a surface of ten thousand square meters, there are seven multipurpose halls, a gourmet restaurant and a lounge bar, as well as a spa and wellness center. Business people and all those looking for the perfect venue for their future special occasion can rely on the hotel both as a partner in the organization of a successful event and as a comfortable home away from home.

  • 06

    A hotel for travelers and business clients

    Zagreb, Croatia's capital, is gaining popularity with travelers and business clients alike. Whether coming to visit a specialist show at the Zagreb Fair Grounds, to participate in a congress or just to take in the sights or attend one of the mounting number of cultural events, there is now another address for everybody to consider for their stay: Hotel Miral.

  • 06

    Three Days of Top Class Music

    Between 3 and 5 July, the Island of Croatian Youth will be the venue of the fourth Rokaj Fest featuring an impressive lineup of the best representatives from the Croatian and global urban and rock scenes. The tickets are already on sale at very reasonable prices.

  • 06

    Croatian Origins of European Culture

    The representative exhibition “Slavonia, Baranja, Srijem – Sources of European Civilization” which remains opened until 2 August at the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, presents the impressive cultural wealth of the easternmost region of Croatia, where the Bronze Age is believed to have marked a new era in the development of human civilization.

  • 06

    A 43-Year-Long Tradition

    Folklore groups from Croatia, as well as folklore groups and ensembles from other European countries and continents, will present their music and traditions at this year's International Folklore Festival, an event which has been taking place for 43 consecutive years and has been promoting cultural and ethnic cooperation between different nations.

  • 06

    Back to the Past

    Every Saturday, starting from now until the end of September, the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb offers its fellow-citizens and guests an array of happenings which evoke memories of times long-gone in the squares and streets of both the Lower and Upper Towns.

  • 06

    A Tourist Extravaganza Dedicated to a Cake

    During the 5th Days of Samobor Cream Custard Cake, an event scheduled to take place between 8 and 10 May this year, Samobor will again host hordes of visitors that are drawn to the town by Samobor’s famous pastry.

  • 06

    A Celebration of Music with Well Renowned Names

    Renowned Croatian and foreign classical musicians will mark this year’s St. Mark’s Festival. From now until 15 May, the festival's events will be taking place in the churches and concert halls of the Upper and Lower Towns.

  • Les connus sur Zagreb

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) a écrit sur Zagreb sur son blog:



    Tommy Emmanuel

    Tommy Emmanuel

    J'ai aimé beaucoup la salle de concert "Lisinski". C'était un sentiment très puissant parce que les gens sont venus et ils ont écouté et senti la musique dans le cœur. "Lisinski" est une belle salle  et je suis très honoré d'avoir l'opportunité d'y performer. Mon premier concert à "Lisinski" m'est resté en très bon souvenir.




    J'étais très impatient de venir à Zagreb, d'autant plus que ma mère a voyagé avec moi. On a tous exploré afin de voir les choses principales de la ville.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Flogging Molly

    Flogging Molly

    Nous profitons ce mardi de Zagreb. On va se diriger bientôt vers le Main stage à Inmusic festival.

    Source: INmusic festival

    Melanie Fiona

    Melanie Fiona

    Je suis désolée de n'avoir pas eu l'occasion de rester plus longtemps et de voir un peu plus, mais le lac Jarun et ses clubs m'ont impressionné. Il a tous les éléments pour y passer un bon moment.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    Merci à tous ceux qui sont venus nous voir à INmusic festival! Nous somes ravis par la ville et espérons vous revoir.

    Source: INmusic festival



    Le lieu du festival et la ville de Zagreb dans laquelle nous avons passé une matinée agréable sont magnifiques.

    Source: INmusic festival

    David Byrne

    David Byrne

    À l'exception des collines environnantes, Zagreb est la ville idéale pour une balade à vélo. David Bryne (Talking Heads) à l'occasion de la sortie du livre "Le Journal Cycliste".


    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    On est pour la première fois à Zagreb. On se sent très bien ici. Nous n’aurons pas le temps de visiter la côte, mais nous allons nous reposer et nous balader dans les rues...

    Source: INmusic festival

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagreb est belle, mais ce qui m'a le plus plu, ce sont ces gens. Tout le monde est sympa et abordable. Meilleurs hôtes vous ne pouviez pas rêver.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb