
  • 01

    The Number of Japanese Guests on the Rise

    This autumn, direct charter flights from Tokyo, three landing in Zagreb and one in Dubrovnik, have brought tourists from Japan to Croatia. In recent years, the number of Japanese visitors has been on the rise.

  • 01

    Marc Chagall in Zagreb

    After a series of successful exhibitions which have managed to draw a record numbers of visitors and restore to its former glory the Museum Area in the Upper Town, the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery has prepared another treat for the Yuletide festivities – an exhibition of works by Marc Chagall, one of the greatest painters of the 20th century.

  • 01

    New Telescope in Place

    Astronomy enthusiasts in Zagreb these days can enjoy an even better view of the vastness of space through the new telescope which was installed at the Zagreb Observatory in late November.

  • 01

    The First Croatian Luxury Exhibition “Luxury, Please”

    On the last day of November and the first few days of December, the Regent Esplanade Hotel was the perfect setting for the first Croatian luxury exhibition showcasing exclusive goods and services.

  • 01

    Cyclotourism Receives Great Support

    The staff of the Zagorje Development Agency has announced that “The Green Zagorje Heritage Tour” project has been launched in order to try and position the whole area of Croatian Zagorje as a cyclotourism destination.

  • 01

    Positive Trends Continue

    Zagreb will end yet another year with record tourist turnover results. During the first ten months of this year, steep growth rates were recorded in tourist arrivals from all emitting markets and overseas countries.

  • 01

    Nikola Tesla’s Demonstration Cabinet Receives a Make-Over

    Last year, Croatia marked the 150th anniversary of a great genius, inventor, electrical technician and physicist, Nikola Tesla. Recently, his Demonstration Cabinet at the Technical Museum, which holds replicas of his best known inventions, has been given a complete make-over.

  • 01

    Zagreb is featured in the “World Film Report” Documentary Series

    A crew of one of the most popular Chinese broadcasting companies, China Central TV, visited Zagreb in search of material for the television series “World Film Report”. For seven years now, the series has been covering the film industries of various countries and has shown the beauties, sights and tourist destinations of these countries. So far, the Chinese television crew has visited some 40 countries. They have chosen Croatia as a country famous for its animated movies.

  • Les connus sur Zagreb

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Je me souviens du concert au festival "INmusic". Nous ne pouvons pas attendre de revoir nos fans. Je pense que ce sera très touchant.




    J'étais très impatient de venir à Zagreb, d'autant plus que ma mère a voyagé avec moi. On a tous exploré afin de voir les choses principales de la ville.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Juliette Gréco

    Juliette Gréco

    Zagreb est resté dans ma mémoire comme une belle ville. Les gens que j'y ai rencontré étaient très gentils, ils m'ont offert un accueil chaleureux. Le public, lui aussi, était belle. En effet, ce concert m'était comme un beau souvenir.


    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Tout est formidable ici. Les femmes sont belles, le service est de première classe. Que puis-je demander à la ville?

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Flogging Molly

    Flogging Molly

    Nous profitons ce mardi de Zagreb. On va se diriger bientôt vers le Main stage à Inmusic festival.

    Source: INmusic festival

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) a écrit sur Zagreb sur son blog:



    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg a passé l'automne 2007 à Zagreb. Zagreb est une ville étonnante. J'ai apprécié les visites des vieux quartiers de la ville, et le soir je sortais aux clubs. J'ai été ravi par le fait que cette vile se trouve près de l'Autriche et l'Italie, alors j'allais à Venise, Milan, Ljubljana, Graz, Split pour passer mes week-ends.


    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    Merci à tous ceux qui sont venus nous voir à INmusic festival! Nous somes ravis par la ville et espérons vous revoir.

    Source: INmusic festival

    David Byrne

    David Byrne

    À l'exception des collines environnantes, Zagreb est la ville idéale pour une balade à vélo. David Bryne (Talking Heads) à l'occasion de la sortie du livre "Le Journal Cycliste".




    Le lieu du festival et la ville de Zagreb dans laquelle nous avons passé une matinée agréable sont magnifiques.

    Source: INmusic festival