19th Cest is d'Best - Everyone to the streets!

Between June 3rd and June 10th, one of Europe’s best street festivals, Zagreb’s Cest is d’ Best, will have its 19th edition and once again offer a plethora of unexpected entertainment to the audiences. Make sure to come along and have fun, because this is the coolest festival in town!

Once again, this year, hundreds of performers from around the globe will entertain the citizens of Zagreb and numerous tourists in the heart of the city starting on June 3rd – the opening day of the Cest is d'Best Festival. The liveliest street festival in Zagreb will feature entertaining and quirky shows put on by various performers, who will once again create a circus atmosphere in the city. The festival includes all sorts of actors, performers, jugglers and other kinds of artists who will often require audience-members to help them perform their acts. So do not miss being a part of the most entertaining and playful event in Zagreb, which will make you smile and laugh to tears, because excitement, joy and laughter are the fundamental characteristics of this Zagreb festival. Its concurrent events include traditional, entertaining competitions, such as the baby race, waiters’ race, street sweepers’ race, a school of sign language, the wandering piano, the slowest bike ride, and an array of other funny and engaging installations by talented young artists. This year, on June 7th, Zrinjevac Park will be visited by Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe, who will perform wedding ceremonies, while other attendees can expect many other novelties.

The annual, international street festival, Cest is d’Best, will be taking place for the 19th time, and it is organized by the best known street musicians of Zagreb – the Street Kings. The festival will go on until June 10th, and everyone is invited to enjoy the funkiest event in town.

Published: 02.06.2015