A Musical Pageant – the Zagreb International Chamber Music Festival

Six themed concert programmes at the 13th Zagreb Kom bring renowned musicians and young hopes of chamber music to the Zagreb audience.

Lovers of chamber music this year once again will head for Gornji grad where from 12 to 20 October in the National Hall Revival Stateroom at Opatička 18 they can enjoy a rich programme at the 13th Zagreb International Chamber Music Festival. The festival brings to the Zagreb audience wonderful musicians of great renown, some of whom will be performing here for the first time. Among them are world famous clarinetist Sharon Kam, German cellist and renowned soloist Tanja Tetzlaff, top-flight chamber musician and concert maestro of the Bremen Chamber Philharmonic Florian Donderer, as well as excellent pianist Ewa Kupiec, who was called “a real discovery” by composer Witold Lutosławski.

Two “young lions” of the classical music scene who are already stars of YouTube and Instagram will also be presented: Spanish viola player and vlogger Sara Ferrández and Colombian cellist Santiago Cañón Valencia. Then there are musicians who have already supported the festival for years such as violinist Stefan Milenković, cellist Monika Leskovar, and guitarist Petrit Çeku who has his own programme as a part of the festival. One of the highlights of this year’s festival is the renewed partnership with the Croatian Baroque Ensemble, as part of which on 15 October Susanna Yoko Henkel and Laura Vadjon, Artistic Directors of the Festival and of the Ensemble, will together play Johann Sebastian Bach’s Concerto for Two Violins.

Published: 01.10.2018