A summer stroll in Zagreb

If you are looking for a night out, and you are a fan of clubbing, you can now have a great time in the company of your hosts by joining the “Summer Stroll in Zagreb” tour, which is organized as part of the “Zagreb with me” project.

If you are planning a night out the way the citizens of Zagreb do, make sure to join the “Summer Stroll in Zagreb” tour. It is a new program taking place as part of the “Zagreb with me” project, which was started this year in order to provide tourists with an opportunity to get to know the city in the company of locals.  

You will be taken for a stroll across the city by a team of young people with experience in organizing and promoting club events. Both tourists and citizens of Zagreb can join the tour and immediately become a part of this social circle. Thus far, four clubs in the city centre have joined the program, including Swanky Garden, Johann Franck, Pepermint and Maraschino, and each week they will feature different themes and specific events.  

The project will be advertised by entertainers who will pass out leaflets in the city centre with a detailed description of the program. The leaflets will be printed every week, and they will also be available at tourist information centres and hostels. Among the abovementioned entertainers will be the “Pigeon Leader” – the main mascot of the project, who can also provide information about the “Summer Stroll in Zagreb”.

Tourists can also look for answers from the project head, Matija, via phone at +385 97 755 0404 or online at www.facebook.com/zagrebwithme

Published: 02.07.2015