An event which eliminates prejudice

If you find yourself in Zagreb between May 21st and 23rd, do not miss the opportunity to partake in the Festival of Equal Opportunities in the city’s main square of Ban Josip Jelačić. The festival is a unique international event of urban culture, whose interesting and diverse programme will be performed by disabled persons.

The Festival of Equal Opportunities has been taking place for 12  years, and it consists of music performances, stage shows, art exhibits, film projections, educational, recreational and sports programmes. Every day between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. the three-day festival will feature performances by more than 900 performers from Croatia and abroad, 600 of which are disabled persons, twenty experts and 130 volunteers.

The goal of this unique event, whose programmes are attended by 15 thousand citizens of Zagreb and their guests every year, is to demonstrate and raise social awareness about the creative abilities of disabled persons who are often unfairly regarded as helpless. This annual three-day gathering at Zagreb’s central square not only confirms that such prejudice is unfounded, but also goes a long way towards successfully eliminating it.

Published: 02.05.2013